Still waiting for an answer on those purple colours??

Honestly not trying to be a troll, but I am unclear as to why this is such a big issue/hot button for you? Are you really finding a difference in plant strength, health, productivity as a direct result of color difference?

I don't get it either!
In the first thread "we" were "wrong" for telling people that seedlings with purple stems are likely genetic and to forget about it...
That is the simplest way to deal with that question- without having to write a frigg'in thesis paper on it!

Why didn't he address my post on the last site or this one for that matter ON the subject...
He only replied to my saying "I don't think he grows etc,etc" post here to say HIS seedlings all pop green stems..

Well la de fucking da! So what....This whole thing is just yelling out "SO WHAT", don't you think?

So what IS your point anyway?

Screw it.....I said enough......*ignore*

I don't get it either!
In the first thread "we" were "wrong" for telling people that seedlings with purple stems are likely genetic and to forget about it...
That is the simplest way to deal with that question- without having to write a frigg'in thesis paper on it!

Why didn't he address my post on the last site or this one for that matter ON the subject...
He only replied to my saying "I don't think he grows etc,etc" post here to say HIS seedlings all pop green stems..

Well la de fucking da! So what....This whole thing is just yelling out "SO WHAT", don't you think?

So what IS your point anyway?

Screw it.....I said enough......*ignore*

I'm kind of with you, Doc. Some people just want to create mystery and confusion for the hell of it. Reminds me of some politicians...
"we" were "wrong" for telling people that seedlings with purple stems are likely genetic and to forget about it...
That is the simplest way to deal with that question- without having to write a frigg'in thesis paper on it!
So what IS your point anyway?

Screw it.....I said enough......*ignore*


I have no real point except i find different reasons for purple than you guys and the simplest answer isnt always the best.

What thesis? Most of this could be translated into easy things like checking your VPD Vapour Pressure Deficiet.

For example if i run my veg tent at 23°c and 65%rh we can work out

2809 x 0.35 = 983.15

so im running at about 0.9k/pa and well between the recomended 0.8 - 1.25k/pa for vegetative marijuana.

Now if i run my grow at the same 23°c but drop humidity down to 50%

2809 x 0.5 = 1404.5

so now im running at 1.4k/pa and outside the prefered range and probably stressing the plant possibly causing purple.

Im guessing you guys know f all about vpd as thats quite science'y too.
I'm kind of with you, Doc. Some people just want to create mystery and confusion for the hell of it. Reminds me of some politicians...

Any info ive talked about can be freely cited from confirmed edcutational sources, aint no mystery except why you have never read anything on the subject on anthocyanin?!

My guess is you get purple stems and petioles but could never quite put your finger on it so went with an easy answer to cover your ineptitude...
At the end of the day it all comes down to genotypes and TBH, any purple strain I seen was poor yields so move on.
Dude there will be another thread next week and week after, i really think the SIMPLE answer is so limited, boring and dosent explain the full answer, so far you guys have the reason for purple as-

Cold temps,
All seedlings do it,
Some-one said it makes their plant warmer end of season,
Somthing about insects,
To just ignore it, move on.

Sounds like were getting all mythical with these great answers!
Dude there will be another thread next week and week after, i really think the SIMPLE answer is so limited, boring and dosent explain the full answer, so far you guys have the reason for purple as-

Cold temps,
All seedlings do it,
Some-one said it makes their plant warmer end of season,
Somthing about insects,
To just ignore it, move on.

Sounds like were getting all mythical with these great answers!
We get it. You want to dramatize trivial stuff. You need attention. We here in the rollitup community love you bro. It's kinda a hippy thing. We gotcha bro.
We get it. You want to dramatize trivial stuff. You need attention. We here in the rollitup community elove you bro. It's kinda a hippy thing. We gotcha bro.

No no no i got you BRO...

You cant explain somthing so you stick with the simple answer and instead of just IGNORING somthing you dont like you constantly post untill youve disrupted everything.

Go teach noobs how to grow purple stems and save your ever increasing boring coments for them!

Ya get me BRO...
You just need a friend man. I and the entire rollitup community is here for you. Accept our love. We know you are lonely and afraid. We will hold you and get you thru this brah.
I have no real point .

So we noticed.
Since this is a grow site. Throw us up some pictures of what you've grown. After all, thats where the results will ultimately be right ?
The final product. Why would anything else be more important than that ?

NOW were talking!

I really do get it now....and.....your right.......BUT, how many people can hold 73.4 F ? I can hold +/- 4% RH and about 3F.
That's rather advanced for the "closet" or "hobby" grower!

I respect your technicality! I keep my grows/rooms as tight as I can and do keep both bloom and veg within optimal VPD values - for each respectively!....To most people doing that with 2 days of 98F and then 4 days of 68-76F and RH jumping up and down mid summer, not to mention the winter problems to deal with....The effect of VPD is, for the most part either lost or not even heard of for vast majority of people looking for help with their over/under feed and watered "first grow" plants!

I think this discussion would have been better suited for the "Advanced Marijuana Cultivation" where you would actually run into those of us who would understand what your talking about!

I mean really....This felt rather game like as it was not really clear where you were going with it....AND, I have to disagree about telling or more like confusing the poor folks just attempting to actually grow out a plant with as much quality as they (for their level of expertise) can manage!

Take a look around at the questions about just how to control their temps and/or RH....and do it with next to zero (0) dollars (or Quid, etc) to do it with! Not everybody (at least to start with) has the kind of capitol to invest in a "perfect" grow setup! Many move down that road one step at a time....(how do you eat an elephant? = One bite at a time!)..

I can throw out papers and talk cellular level changes due to light absorption exposure limits or what ever....But I try to make this "mystery" of growing seem simple and easy to understand. That's how I try and give my answers to these questions....

I mean I Really do respect your point! I respect the idea of honesty! But sometimes (MOST), being exact and technical is ,,,,,, well to be honest, beyond the actual understanding of the poster as far as his skill level is concerned. Many and I mean MANY grows are kept in the VPD limits not by intent,,,,but by maintaining close growing tolerances in recommended temps/RH/air turnover for the stage of growth....How many starter level books do you see actually mention VPD?

I can NOW tell you GROW!
You, I (and some others here) could have some wonderful long discussions on various topics....Some start in the "Advanced" thread and sometimes, some of us, will unintentionally have a long one in a thread on a related topic in even the NEWBIE central thread.....I always hope that those that are reading along among the novice growers actually learn something from those....NOW I must say that I hope they learn something from this one too!

BUT, let me take a moment to say to those that are going "oh shit! I have to fix that VPD problem I have, so my seedling stems are not purple!"....Hold it, take a breath, slow down....This is not going to "harm" your plant.....If you follow those temp and RH limits you were reading about in Ed or Greg's or Jorge's book.....Your going to be just fine! This is something for you to begin to want to control down the road (if need be) when you actually have everything else dialed in...OK? Lets worry about growing that plant(s) of your to finish as best as you can and keep improving down the road.... As you go, you improve what you can as you can do it! No problem in taking time to get growing at the "WOW, THAT'S AWESOME" level.....It took us ALL time to get there.

I LIKED this discussion on "purple".....I like the points you made....I like the posts of others attempting to make a counter point...
I think many were confused by it's purpose.....I still disagree on there being non stress induced purple strains or pheno's (opinions eh?) This was a healthy and informative thread - once we got inside your head and could understand better the point.....I hope others agree with that....

I wish there was would get some from me!

I hope I did not appear troll didn't to me....

Peace on 2H!


:peace: :clap: (:

NOW were talking!

I really do get it now....and.....your right.......BUT, how many people can hold 73.4 F ? I can hold +/- 4% RH and about 3F.
That's rather advanced for the "closet" or "hobby" grower!

I respect your technicality! I keep my grows/rooms as tight as I can and do keep both bloom and veg within optimal VPD values - for each respectively!....To most people doing that with 2 days of 98F and then 4 days of 68-76F and RH jumping up and down mid summer, not to mention the winter problems to deal with....The effect of VPD is, for the most part either lost or not even heard of for vast majority of people looking for help with their over/under feed and watered "first grow" plants!

I think this discussion would have been better suited for the "Advanced Marijuana Cultivation" where you would actually run into those of us who would understand what your talking about!

I mean really....This felt rather game like as it was not really clear where you were going with it....AND, I have to disagree about telling or more like confusing the poor folks just attempting to actually grow out a plant with as much quality as they (for their level of expertise) can manage!

Take a look around at the questions about just how to control their temps and/or RH....and do it with next to zero (0) dollars (or Quid, etc) to do it with! Not everybody (at least to start with) has the kind of capitol to invest in a "perfect" grow setup! Many move down that road one step at a time....(how do you eat an elephant? = One bite at a time!)..

I can throw out papers and talk cellular level changes due to light absorption exposure limits or what ever....But I try to make this "mystery" of growing seem simple and easy to understand. That's how I try and give my answers to these questions....

I mean I Really do respect your point! I respect the idea of honesty! But sometimes (MOST), being exact and technical is ,,,,,, well to be honest, beyond the actual understanding of the poster as far as his skill level is concerned. Many and I mean MANY grows are kept in the VPD limits not by intent,,,,but by maintaining close growing tolerances in recommended temps/RH/air turnover for the stage of growth....How many starter level books do you see actually mention VPD?

I can NOW tell you GROW!
You, I (and some others here) could have some wonderful long discussions on various topics....Some start in the "Advanced" thread and sometimes, some of us, will unintentionally have a long one in a thread on a related topic in even the NEWBIE central thread.....I always hope that those that are reading along among the novice growers actually learn something from those....NOW I must say that I hope they learn something from this one too!

BUT, let me take a moment to say to those that are going "oh shit! I have to fix that VPD problem I have, so my seedling stems are not purple!"....Hold it, take a breath, slow down....This is not going to "harm" your plant.....If you follow those temp and RH limits you were reading about in Ed or Greg's or Jorge's book.....Your going to be just fine! This is something for you to begin to want to control down the road (if need be) when you actually have everything else dialed in...OK? Lets worry about growing that plant(s) of your to finish as best as you can and keep improving down the road.... As you go, you improve what you can as you can do it! No problem in taking time to get growing at the "WOW, THAT'S AWESOME" level.....It took us ALL time to get there.

I LIKED this discussion on "purple".....I like the points you made....I like the posts of others attempting to make a counter point...
I think many were confused by it's purpose.....I still disagree on there being non stress induced purple strains or pheno's (opinions eh?) This was a healthy and informative thread - once we got inside your head and could understand better the point.....I hope others agree with that....

I wish there was would get some from me!

I hope I did not appear troll didn't to me....

Peace on 2H!


:peace: :clap: (:
Do you really think anyone took the time to read that? Cliff notes. Seriously. Google it.
I think elite members use to have a -rep to deal with trolls, argue, debate and discredit but trolling has always been a low blow.

So guess its time to learn some vpd and see what that grows, now that i look back i use to keep humidity 50% even when at 25°c so straight away i can see where i had an issue.

Right time to try put this vpd into practice :-)

NOW were talking!

I really do get it now....and.....your right.......BUT, how many people can hold 73.4 F ? I can hold +/- 4% RH and about 3F.
That's rather advanced for the "closet" or "hobby" grower!

I respect your technicality! I keep my grows/rooms as tight as I can and do keep both bloom and veg within optimal VPD values - for each respectively!....To most people doing that with 2 days of 98F and then 4 days of 68-76F and RH jumping up and down mid summer, not to mention the winter problems to deal with....The effect of VPD is, for the most part either lost or not even heard of for vast majority of people looking for help with their over/under feed and watered "first grow" plants!

I think this discussion would have been better suited for the "Advanced Marijuana Cultivation" where you would actually run into those of us who would understand what your talking about!

I mean really....This felt rather game like as it was not really clear where you were going with it....AND, I have to disagree about telling or more like confusing the poor folks just attempting to actually grow out a plant with as much quality as they (for their level of expertise) can manage!

Take a look around at the questions about just how to control their temps and/or RH....and do it with next to zero (0) dollars (or Quid, etc) to do it with! Not everybody (at least to start with) has the kind of capitol to invest in a "perfect" grow setup! Many move down that road one step at a time....(how do you eat an elephant? = One bite at a time!)..

I can throw out papers and talk cellular level changes due to light absorption exposure limits or what ever....But I try to make this "mystery" of growing seem simple and easy to understand. That's how I try and give my answers to these questions....

I mean I Really do respect your point! I respect the idea of honesty! But sometimes (MOST), being exact and technical is ,,,,,, well to be honest, beyond the actual understanding of the poster as far as his skill level is concerned. Many and I mean MANY grows are kept in the VPD limits not by intent,,,,but by maintaining close growing tolerances in recommended temps/RH/air turnover for the stage of growth....How many starter level books do you see actually mention VPD?

I can NOW tell you GROW!
You, I (and some others here) could have some wonderful long discussions on various topics....Some start in the "Advanced" thread and sometimes, some of us, will unintentionally have a long one in a thread on a related topic in even the NEWBIE central thread.....I always hope that those that are reading along among the novice growers actually learn something from those....NOW I must say that I hope they learn something from this one too!

BUT, let me take a moment to say to those that are going "oh shit! I have to fix that VPD problem I have, so my seedling stems are not purple!"....Hold it, take a breath, slow down....This is not going to "harm" your plant.....If you follow those temp and RH limits you were reading about in Ed or Greg's or Jorge's book.....Your going to be just fine! This is something for you to begin to want to control down the road (if need be) when you actually have everything else dialed in...OK? Lets worry about growing that plant(s) of your to finish as best as you can and keep improving down the road.... As you go, you improve what you can as you can do it! No problem in taking time to get growing at the "WOW, THAT'S AWESOME" level.....It took us ALL time to get there.

I LIKED this discussion on "purple".....I like the points you made....I like the posts of others attempting to make a counter point...
I think many were confused by it's purpose.....I still disagree on there being non stress induced purple strains or pheno's (opinions eh?) This was a healthy and informative thread - once we got inside your head and could understand better the point.....I hope others agree with that....

I wish there was would get some from me!

I hope I did not appear troll didn't to me....

Peace on 2H!


:peace: :clap: (:
But we all practice it by maintaining the right temps and RH.
All growing books give you a temps and RH zone to work in.
That covers the "VPD"!

Your just adding new words to cover something we already do. SO, don't get all in a bind about "Vapor Pressure Deficit"!

But we all practice it by maintaining the right temps and RH.
All growing books give you a temps and RH zone to work in.
That covers the "VPD"!

Your just adding new words to cover something we already do. SO, don't get all in a bind about "Vapor Pressure Deficit"!


I dont see many pushing the vpd correlation between temps and rh and not seeing it talked about much.

Some same basic rules seem applicable i.e. make sure relative humidity is 10 less than temps i.e. 70°f - 60%rh or 60°f - 50%rh etc etc.

There are pictures of what the reported damage is like from growers who went out of safe levels and its widely reported to look like nute deficiency.

I find that at 70%rh and over things are starting to get dampish so hitting 25°c is quite challenging in a way humidity wise.
Bring on the Green plants :mrgreen:..... Where do you find those:eyesmoke:

I think the distinction is that marijuana is a green plant due to chlorophyl.

Why any green plant would want to replce the most effiecient light absorbing energy producing cells with second rate less effective cells is beyond me unless its trying not to grow at its fastest pace.

Flower exspression is a whole different story but again its a seperate bundle of cells built to do a completley different job to chlorophyl.

The second you say purple genetics you need to start deciding on which point your making...

Are you saying that your plant now needs less light because its adapted anthocyanin production to absorb some of the light thus depriving the chlorophyl?

Or are you saying that a beneficial trait to deal with stress, cell elongation, uv protection, osmoregulation etc etc has been inherited and that trait will show through the environmental stresses that caused the plant to evolve the adaptation in the first place.

I cannot shun pure evolution and chlorophyl etc for some stoners interpretation of biological evolutionary reasoning but you never know.

Anyone is free to point out my mistakes when quoting evolution and biology of marijuana.