Salvia.. done it?


Well-Known Member
hey everyone,

i had a quick look and couldnt find threads on this. (if there is sorry in advance)

anyway, my mate bought me some salvia 10x as a present, iv seen one or two videos of people doing it but wanted to hear personal experiences on it.

is it good, does it last long, how's the best way to take it?

thanks in advance

Orchid Man

Well-Known Member
it was a weird rush. similar to a seizure. yes i have em. but didnt last long like 2 mins. my buddies brother will argue n argue its a 2 hr high thou.


Well-Known Member
hi dude i think there is a few threads on salvia which i been on before

i have orded some salvia 20x and done some of it so i sort of know a little but i still have some questions i would personaly like to ask people who have done saliva so if u want u can ask me some questions and i will do my best to answer them


Active Member
I've tried 60x and 80x, the 80x was an intense 15 minute trip comparable to LSD; However I didn't enjoy how hot and sweaty it made me.


Well-Known Member
hi dude i think there is a few threads on salvia which i been on before

i have orded some salvia 20x and done some of it so i sort of know a little but i still have some questions i would personaly like to ask people who have done saliva so if u want u can ask me some questions and i will do my best to answer them
yeh i found a good thread just a few mins ago, people giving there experiences on it, i would link it but im unsure how to :confused:

im going to try it tonight anyway and see what happens :spew:

cheese, in your opinion is it better to smoke through a pipe, bong or spliff?



Well-Known Member
it was a weird rush. similar to a seizure. yes i have em. but didnt last long like 2 mins. my buddies brother will argue n argue its a 2 hr high thou.
2 hr high???? jeez... sure it wasnt mushroom or something he had :mrgreen: :peace:


Well-Known Member
I've tried 60x and 80x, the 80x was an intense 15 minute trip comparable to LSD; However I didn't enjoy how hot and sweaty it made me.
yeh im led to beleive you get really sweaty from it?

80x.... thats some strong stuff. i think i'l try my 10x before i venture into that department :mrgreen:


Orchid Man

Well-Known Member
What i said. But he will argue about for hrs. Even get pissed and want to fight sometimes.Oh and just to make it clear I wasnt meanin i had a seizure, just the feelings were the same. Thinking about it if I wouldnt flop about n hit my head in shit the seizures wouldnt be that bad??????


Well-Known Member
What i said. But he will argue about for hrs. Even get pissed and want to fight sometimes.Oh and just to make it clear I wasnt meanin i had a seizure, just the feelings were the same. Thinking about it if I wouldnt flop about n hit my head in shit the seizures wouldnt be that bad??????
i have one of those friends, the ones who are right and if there not there right anyway :mrgreen:

yeh i suppose that would make the effects of the seizure decrease a little :mrgreen:

what type did you take? extract or leaf?


Well-Known Member
fair enough :mrgreen: so would you try it again?

anyone else no whats better to do it through? pipe,bong,joint?

Orchid Man

Well-Known Member
Naw... Wasnt all too good. If I were after a cheap easy high id just go to my med cabinet... He sprinkled iton a bowl. Would just throw a dab on top before each hit...


Well-Known Member
sweet. well i'l give it a go tonight and see what happens, i'l report back tomoro with my opinions.

alot of people seem to have mixed views on it, some say its scary and others say they love it? i guess its just your donald duck as to how it goes?

cheers for the replies :peace:

Orchid Man

Well-Known Member
Yep like indica vs sativa ya know whateva floats ya boat. Just remember the golden rule to drugs.. chill out n ride it like it was a fat girl.... good luck...


Well-Known Member
Yep like indica vs sativa ya know whateva floats ya boat. Just remember the golden rule to drugs.. chill out n ride it like it was a fat girl.... good luck...
Drugs are JUST LIKE A FAT GIRL. lol. You enjoy the ride but don't want anyone to know you are riding it lol.


Well-Known Member
I took a huge hit of 20x my first time. It was crazy. I could not stop laughing, my brothers face started drooping and shit. I cant even explain it.

Try it.

mr thc

Well-Known Member
hmmm....salvia. An interesting drug indeed. Must be done in a water bong/pipe...standard lighters=minimal results, torch lighter=maximum results. pack a bong as big as your lungs can handle (10-20x) blow all your breath out and begin slow and consistently sucking while lighting the torch. Pull your bowl through, choke it ------->VERY IMPORTANT...----> Hold for 20-30 seconds, or until you's dried leaves so it's a little harsher than marijuana...kinda like smoking mint actually. Again, not like marijuana either...don't expect it to be anything like weed, don't underestimate it....the last thing you should try and do is take another bowl, as after you blow the smoke out you're already losing it. I took a full bowl and got that trance like feeling and everything lost its reality. Fun on occasion....nothing like pot. MMMmmmm pot.


Well-Known Member
yeh i found a good thread just a few mins ago, people giving there experiences on it, i would link it but im unsure how to :confused:

im going to try it tonight anyway and see what happens :spew:

cheese, in your opinion is it better to smoke through a pipe, bong or spliff?


well personaly i have only dont it in a bong and a hooker pipe the bong worked best out of the 2 but i only used a normal lighter so the trip was a trip lol dont know how true it is but apparently you have to use a blowtorch lighter/ turbo flame lighter because the salvia needs to burn at a higher temp. With the bong i got a numb rush and a slightly stoned feeling my eyes and head felt heavy and as i looked at my m8 next to me his eyebrows were above his head and he had a massive unatural grin with i found realy cool.

I didnt know you could smoke it in paper lol never tryed and i was thinking about a pipe but never got around to it.

How do you smoke it? do you do the 30second hold and stuff? i would realy like to find a little more infomation aswell because i want this trip everyone goes on about! lol



Well-Known Member
All I know is that after 2 full bowls of 10X all I got was a good buzz. sucks, cause even 10 x is pricey