First grow, coco coir, help PLEASE!

as its your first grow, maybe ditch coco and go for soil???
its do-able, but starting with coco where you have to slowly introduce nutes, it holds not much water, and its a bloody long earning curve, you have your ladys poped up in coco, as a first time grower i would think you will run into a world of problems, i would suggest getting a bag of biobizz all mix, transpanting your plants, and only feeding water until 21 days or when the leaves start to yellow a tiny bit, then feeding half strengh veg nutes, slowly building up to flowering, then switch. i have done a couple of coco grows and i had problems from day one, it seemed every deficiency i managed to get through i had 2 more the next day and t carried on both grows until i transplanted them.... now i stick to soil, (biobizz all mix) there is alot of people out there who say it is too hot for seedlings but i have never had a problrm, i plant seeds in final pots, and the soil does most of the work, i just water/feed/watch/dry/cure/smoke and fly
Thanks for the advice bro, but I really wanna stick to coco despite the learning curve so I can get a larger yield nd better offense meant to soil growers this is just the way I'd like to grow personally.
Canna are top quality nutes. I just use MaxiGrow and MaxiBloom because it is inexpensive and great quality. It only costs $0.06 per gallon of nute solution. I have grown in soil, DWC, waterfarms, hempy, and coco. Coco is by far the easiest and most forgiving. I think the people that have difficulty in coco are treating it like soil and using the wrong nutes.
Canna are top quality nutes. I just use MaxiGrow and MaxiBloom because it is inexpensive and great quality. It only costs $0.06 per gallon of nute solution. I have grown in soil, DWC, waterfarms, hempy, and coco. Coco is by far the easiest and most forgiving. I think the people that have difficulty in coco are treating it like soil and using the wrong nutes.
That's good to hear...definitely gonna start feeding my ladies now.
Thanks for the advice bro, but I really wanna stick to coco despite the learning curve so I can get a larger yield nd better offense meant to soil growers this is just the way I'd like to grow personally.
none taken, go for it, every grower has their own way of doing things and prefer to use different things, to be honest i take my hat off to you, jumping in at the deep end takes alot, just if this grow doesnt go well keep going and one day you will be a coco expert :)
and dont do what i did my first grow.... pick buds off day by day until you are left with one bud flowering for 2 weeks on its own, all the best
I think coco is the easiest way to grow - you can control the nutes better than soil. You already know you started them in too big of containers - I start mine in 18oz. solo cups and transplant after about 3 weeks into a larger pot. I start with 1/4 strength nutes to begin with and gradually increase. If you use GH MaxiGrow and GH MaxiBloom or GH FloraNova with tap water ( assuming it's not too bad ), you will never have a deficiency problem. Just my opinion.
I agree that coco is better than soil. I switched to pro-mix, just my preference. My question to you is, and I'm basing this off of my experience and others is; have you noticed and increased buildup of salts over time and quicker nute lockout? One other thing im not sure if everyone is aware of is that GH got bought out by Scott's, yes the lawn care people. A bunch of stores around me already stopped carrying their products or are phasing them out. I guess that cant mean good things for the product line. just came to mind with you previous reply.
n, jumping in at the deep end takes alot, just if this grow doesnt go well keep going and one day you will be a coco expert :)
and dont do what i did my first grow.... pick buds off day by day until you are left with one bud flowering for 2 weeks on its own, all the best
Did you rinse the coco unrinsed the coco-coir i got had a ph maxed out on my vial it couldn't have gotten any greener. ph 8?
Yeah it reads at 7-8 no matter nd no I didn't rinse it. I heard that canna brand coco didn't want need to be rinsed out so I didn't. Next time I definitely will tho
I had to rinse with about a full liter of ph 6 water to get the ph down in just one solo cup full on the stuff i got. once rinsed though it was a great addition to the soil i think.
I use canna coco right out of the bag - I never rinse nor do I check the ph of the drain off. I just mix it with perlite and saturate it with 1/4 strength nutes adjusted to a 5.8 ph and it's all good.
Cool, u guys have been hella helpful...I guess I should go ahead nd make this my grow journal. 3 weeks late but lates better than never. Hopefully I can get some more assistance to rectify any future problems with my girls...
Cool, u guys have been hella helpful...I guess I should go ahead nd make this my grow journal. 3 weeks late but lates better than never. Hopefully I can get some more assistance to rectify any future problems with my girls...

Hey hows your grow going? I have the same tent, 600w, coco. So i am a bit interested in how things did go? :)