stunted seedling, ruined forever?


Well-Known Member
hay guys. I have a 4 week old seedling that hasn't grown more than 2 inches. Basically it looks like a week old plant. I started it in top soil and half perlite outside in full sun. I fed it 1/4 strength nutes but it never grew much. I just transplanted into promix with a small amount of bioroot under my LED. I see small signs of growth. It's a photoperiod strain. Can it recover? Or will it always be a weak plant?


Well-Known Member
if there still a good green leaf you have a good chance
flush the soil with loads of water and don't feed it till its got a few sets of leaves
and don't water till the soil is dry


Well-Known Member
hay guys. I have a 4 week old seedling that hasn't grown more than 2 inches. Basically it looks like a week old plant. I started it in top soil and half perlite outside in full sun. I fed it 1/4 strength nutes but it never grew much. I just transplanted into promix with a small amount of bioroot under my LED. I see small signs of growth. It's a photoperiod strain. Can it recover? Or will it always be a weak plant?
Make sure you don't overwater it. If it doesn't seem to be getting better you could try giving it a jolt of SuperThrive or some other hormone. Stalled or stunted seedlings seems to be a common problem.


Well-Known Member
I'm starting a new seed. I'll keep this one but I don't expect it to do anything. It's just annoying because the first seed germed and the dog got it. The second seed didn't germ and this is the 3rd. Hopefully 4 seeds will be sufficient for one plant.


Well-Known Member
for the time it takes to get this thing right you could get another one going but try to figure out what went wrong so it doesn't happen again I guess, good luck


Well-Known Member
I had a similiar problem. My issue was over watering and bugs, putting it in coco got her going again.

I wouldnt give up on her, maybe start again but keep her fighting:weed::hump:

Milo 420

Well-Known Member
I had three seedlings that didn't do anything forever like a month and but within another month they caught up to the rest of my plants