Well-Known Member
i said "child molestation makes for amusing comedy"
combined with giving rob roy likes for refusing to state that pedophilia should be illegal, one has to wonder what sick thoughts roll through your mind.
i said "child molestation makes for amusing comedy"
combined with giving rob roy likes for refusing to state that pedophilia should be illegal, one has to wonder what sick thoughts roll through your mind.
How long are you going to allow rob to troll you like this, its getting boring ?
Oh is that what failing to back up your beliefs is called? Trolling?
Rob Roy says a 13 year old can consent to sex with an adult. That is not him trolling.
That is what he believes
I agree with the comedian/writer JEW, Larry David
"child molestation" makes for amusing comedy
Who cares what other folk (think), if you're going to judge others at all judge them on their actions (according to the law of the land) or inaction making bad choices etc
"thought police" do not exist as of yet,
Buck you're making yourself angry and allowing yourself to become trolled ,robs thoughts are his business and should be irrelevant to you
if you have evidence that Rob has physically/sexually harmed a child
it would then be appropriate for you to start flapping your mouth like a scorned woman
You need to get a grip of reality, learn the difference between thoughts and actions
How long are you going to allow rob to troll you like this, its getting boring ?
Rob has never stated this ^^ you are misrepresenting robs comments
please cite where rob has stated specifically what you claim (word for word)
to make your claims seem more shocking and to be awarded more troll points you should state
"rob believes its ok to have sex with a 6 month old baby"
if you make this claim i shall award you 10 troll points and a bottle of negro
View attachment 3486430
you and your friends are attempting to troll rob at the same time, with your pedophile slurs
you guys are failing miserably
when YOU mr rape mugshot attempt to take the moral high ground i find it amusing and both preposterous in equal measures
hope this helps put your mind at rest
i was on 16th street mall the other day and saw some dude peddling a bike and he looked so much like finshaggy that it took all my effort not to deck him in the back of the head.
it was quite literally instinctual. fists automatically tightened, body immediately oriented towards his direction, mind calculated punch trajectory to knock him off the bike in a direction to avoid personal injury, and all of this before i could even consciously realize what was happening.
i'm not a violent guy but it made me glad that i was so viscerally prepared to do my duty to God and country.
Hey everybody
Unclebuck is the Emperor, he has new clothes, doesn't he look magnificunt
you have never stated that it should be illegal for adults to have sex with small children, pedo.
you love trying to correct others grammar and punctuation when you have nothing else to say in a debate.
I would suggest that you learn "alot" is not a word.
Hey everybody
Unclebuck is the Emperor, he has new clothes, doesn't he look magnificunt
LOL... damn are you crying as you type this ^^Man I am really starting to agree with people. There's a reason this fucker hasn't been banned yet, and it's not because he follows the rules.
I have seen countless people banned here for far less then Buck does every single day but he gets away with it. There's a reason for that. He's an embarrassment to the entire site. He's not funny, not clever. He's just embarrassing, and the mods are 100% responsible for letting his shit continue on a daily basis.
I've seen at least 5 threads now that have devolved into buck calling rob a pedophile. Anyone else would have been banned for this.
Why isn't Unclebuck held to the same standards as other users on this site? You realize you have made this monster by letting him away with this shit for so long right? He's got the dirt on someone in power here I'm thinking.
I find it silly that users that grow and provide information on a regular basis are banned while buck has been on an epic barrage of bullshit lately.LOL... damn are you crying as you type this ^^
Who are the good folks that are banned ?I find it silly that users that grow and provide information on a regular basis are banned while buck has been on an epic barrage of bullshit lately.
From bullshit in panheads thread to the countless others where he's been following Rob calling him a pedophile.
Just tired of him when good folks are banned on the reg.
Who are the good folks that are banned ?
Do you believe pedophiles should have rights ?
that dependsEveryone has rights.