Bush on Georgian aid....yes!


New Member
Georgia Political Map

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Georgia is a Eurasian country and in the political map of Georgia the administrative divisions of the country have been indicated in a clear format by using different symbols. Tbilisi is the capital of Georgia, which is also the largest city of Georgia. The capital city is highlighted in the printable map of Georgia.

Political Georgia Map

Georgia is located at southwest Asia and is a Eurasian country. Georgia is located at the border of western Asia and Eastern Europe. Georgian is the official language of the country. The geographic coordinates of Georgia are 42� North latitude and 43� 30' East longitude. The total area of the country is 69,700 square kilometers. The population of the country as per the census of July 2007 was 4,646,003. Georgia experiences warm and pleasant climate. In the northern part of the country there is Great Caucasus and in the southern half there is Lesser Caucasus Mountains.

Georgia Capital

The capital of Georgia is T'bilisi. The republic capital is highlighted in the political map of Georgia by a red square having a black border. The capital of the country also happens to be the largest city of Georgia. The city is visited by a large number of tourists. Tbilisi is positioned in South Caucasus. The geographical coordinates of Tbilisi are 41� 43' 30" North latitude and 44� 47' 27"East longitude. The city is 1482 feet above sea level. Some of the airports that are in close proximity to Tbilisi are:
  • Lochini
  • Tbilisi Marneuli
  • Tbilisi Soganlug
  • Vaziani
Some of the nearby cities of Tbilisi are Saburtalo to the western side, Vazisubani to the east, Vashladzhvari and Grmagele to north, Zemo T'elet'I and Okrokana to south.

Georgia Boundaries

The international boundaries of Georgia are indicated in the printable map of Georgia by a specific pattern of black lines. The countries that border Georgia are:
  • Turkey: south of Georgia
  • Azerbaijan: to the east
  • Armenia: on the south
  • Russia: on the northern side

The main water body that forms border to the country on the western side is the Black Sea, which is also indicated in the political map of Georgia.

Georgia Administrative Divisions

In Georgia political map, the Autonomous Republic centers of Batumi and Sukhumi have been indicated by using white boxes. The Autonomous Oblasts Center of Georgia is Tskhinavli, which is highlighted in printable Georgia political map by using a black dot.

The nine administrative regions in Georgia are:
  • Imereti
  • Guria
  • Kvemo Kartli
  • Kakheti
  • Racha-Lechkhumi and Kvemo Svaneti
  • Mtskheta-Mtianeti
  • Samtskhe-Javakheti
  • Samegrelo and Zemo Svaneti
  • Shida Kartli


Well-Known Member
What is the US going to do about it? I know what I would do, I can only guess at what really will happen.
What would you do about it? :mrgreen:

YouTube - 8/8/8 the day it all started to end? Georgia Russia conflict

YouTube - The truth about South Ossetia War, Georgia & Russia's respon "Russia did not attack Georgia. It was a response to a horrible war crime, committed by the Georgian president. This irresponsible man who hates Russia, and will kiss America and Europe's ass, to get a chance to join NATO and the European Union. I suspect it was America who instigated Georgia to commit this crime. On the first day of Olympics, how ironic is that? Russia did NOT attack and did NOT invade Georgia, as your media outlets are saying. South Ossettia claimed independance from Georgia in 1992. Obvious, it was never recognized by the world. In 2006 they held an election where the question was "Do you support South Ossettia to become and independent country?" The turnout was that 95% voted that they wanted to be independent from Georgia. Thursday night, Georgian gov't started an attack on S. Ossettia, they shelled the main city of "timfoly"(sp?Tbilisi?). They (the Georgian gov't) killed over 1000 people. Their excuse was to "restore the constitutional order in the region. Bull Shit! This attack was an attempt to commit "ethnic cleansing". Basically its an act of genocide. The cause of this conflict is Georgia and its president! So before you accept your media allegations about Russia, try to remember all the lies the media has always fed you in the last how many years. America needs to WAKE UP!"

Basically, he saying that this region of S. Ossettia tried to get their independence from Georgia but the Georgian gov't didn't let it pass. Then, on the first day of the Olympics, the Georgian gov't attacked and killed over 1000 people of S. Ossettia. The Russian military then moved in to try and save its own people from the rogue Georgian gov't trying to kill off the S. Ossittians.

I guess it depends on where you get your information from and who you believe. Can anyone else corroborate if this is true. Is this information true? Did S. Ossettia take a vote saying 95% of its people wanted to become independent from Georgia? Did the Georgian gov't killed over 1000 people?

Where are we suppose to get our information from if there is an information war going on? Our media is making it out like "the Russian army is attacking the poor little country of Georgia"..

Does anyone else remember all the lies, from the media, within the last 8 years with the Bush administration in office?

Does anyone else know how the Zionist Jews control the mainstream media, the "Federal" Reserve, and all of the central banks on Earth! How many countries don't have a Rothschild central bank? Do you know the last two places where a Rothschild central bank was forcefully implemented, I'm pretty sure it was Afghanistan and Iraq. Do you know that Iran, and N. Korea are 2 out of the 5 countries (LEFT IN THE WORLD) that doesn't have these Rothschild central banks up and running. (Correct me if I'm wrong, because I'm going off the top of my head)

Edit- Does anyone else see the double standard? Don't you guys realize that the USA just invaded TWO counties (Iraq and Afghanistan) to "liberate them". But if Russia tries to protect their people of S. Ossettia than its time for the USA to start WW3. Because we all know the current people in power are warmongers that feed off the tax payers dollars that are spent to the military industrial complex, AKA Haliburton AKA Dick Cheneys "former" company. HAHA..... :lol:

The REVOLUTION has begun!




New Member

A Russian military convoy defied a cease-fire agreement Wednesday and rolled through a strategically important city in Georgia, where officials claimed fresh looting and bombing by the Russians and their allies.

The Kremlin announced Thursday that Russian President Dmitry Medvedev was meeting with the leaders of Georgia's two separatist provinces, South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

"One can forget about any talk about Georgia's territorial integrity because, I believe, it is impossible to persuade South Ossetia and Abkhazia to agree with the logic that they can be forced back into the Georgian state," Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.

Russia and its small neighbor had agreed Tuesday to a French-brokered cease-fire to end the dispute that began over two pro-Russian breakaway territories. The United States accuses Russia of pressing the war far beyond the initial conflict zone and threatening the democratically elected government in Georgia.

"I have to say that the reports are not encouraging about Russia's respect for this cease-fire," Rice said.

U.S. officials have had difficulty determining exactly what's happening on the ground in Georgia, despite considerable intelligence resources. U.S. spy satellites have been repositioned to refocus on the conflict area.


Well-Known Member

"I have to say that the reports are not encouraging about Russia's respect for this cease-fire," Rice said.
You believe Rice? You actually believe her? HAHA

She doesn't have any credibility with me anymore..

The REVOLUTION has begun!




New Member
Dammit.....since It's broken...I couldn't help but see your "political ranking". If it wasn't for supporters like you, and isolationism, I think Paul would be popular enough to carry some states. But, pretty consistently, anyone you and your fellow dummies like, I don't. Giving you and yours what you and yours want is the real "evil", IMO. Poor Paul. Should of disowned you kooks while he still had a chance.


Well-Known Member
Who's saying Glenn Beck is "so special?" I watch his program every night, I enjoy it, he was going to present an interview with the president of Georgia, so I gave everyone in the forum a heads up.

It wasn't about Glenn Beck ... it was about the interview. <Sheesh!> Will you left-wingers ever get a clue? :blsmoke:

And by the way, I agree with you about the support, but I don't agree that its should just be "moral" support. As we speak, and you would have known this if you would have watched Beck last night, we (our troops) are already on the ground in Georgia giving "aid." Not only are we supporting the citizens of free, democratic Georgia, but the French are right there at our side. The rest of Europe, if they know what's good for them had better start participating as well. There is no way that free, democratic societies can allow Russia to reestablish the Soviet States. Their actions in Georgia must be condemned and stopped immediately. Not saying that Russia should be attacked or anything like that. But ... sanctions and international condemnation will go a long way. This is no longer 1960.


Where I colored it in red is your misinterpretation of what I said.
Moral basis meaning it is the moral thing to do.... Boy doesn't it make you look foolish. So you launched into a tirade over nothing.

Once Glen Beck starts on something, it's old news.

You said nothing about the Fact that The Georgian President had been doing interviews all day on CNN... Again, Glenn Beck was putting out old news.

So when are you getting a clue (an answer to your personal attack)


New Member
Where I colored it in red is your misinterpretation of what I said. Moral basis meaning it is the moral thing to do.... Boy doesn't it make you look foolish. So you launched into a tirade over nothing. Once Glen Beck starts on something, it's old news.
You said nothing about the Fact that The Georgian President had been doing interviews all day on CNN... Again, Glenn Beck was putting out old news. So when are you getting a clue (an answer to your personal attack)



Well-Known Member
Again you misinterpreted what I had said... And yet you can't admit publicly when you were wrong.


Well-Known Member
"With these concerns in mind, I have directed a series of steps to demonstrate our solidarity with the Georgian people and bring about a peaceful resolution to this conflict."

Well, maybe there will be a peaceful resolution available? Tired of the drama, no more fighting, plz.
How's isolationism sounding right about now?
But of course, that would be the cowardly thing to do. So either we don't get involved, and ditch a country that we support, or we do, and we have ANOTHER conflict on our plate.


New Member
How in the hell can we chastise Russia for invading Georgia for oil when we invaded Iraq for oil and are still there. Talk about hypocracy. We (The US government) are the most agregious and corrupt government on the planet. Bought and paid for by the rich and powerful and corporations that need our military to protect their interests. We have troops stationed in More than 150 countries. How many countries does Russia have troops in? I believe it's no more than three or four and they are satellite countries close to Russia. We (the US government) are the evil invaders. I wouldn't be surprised if the US invaded Venezuela in the near future. They are already trash talking Hugo Chavez. Wake up people, it's us that are the bad guys, we let these things be done in our names and do nothing about them.


Well-Known Member
"With these concerns in mind, I have directed a series of steps to demonstrate our solidarity with the Georgian people and bring about a peaceful resolution to this conflict."

Well, maybe there will be a peaceful resolution available? Tired of the drama, no more fighting, plz.
How's isolationism sounding right about now?
But of course, that would be the cowardly thing to do. So either we don't get involved, and ditch a country that we support, or we do, and we have ANOTHER conflict on our plate.
Read the latest? Now Russian generals are warning Poland that THEY'RE open to attack for making a missile defense deal with the U.S. They are positioning themselves, and because the timing is SO fucking perfect, we (the U.S.) WILL be caught with our pants down. Next in line, the draft, bought and paid for by the Saudis and Chinese. Mark my words.


New Member
Better to be bit by a baby snake than to wait until it is a full fledged killer. And the draft MIGHT be attempted with Obama as President.(I don't think it can be brought back, at this point, too many sissies, and mommas of sissies, to let that happen; think Sheehan.) But, who is going to re-enlist with that buffoon in office. At least McCain is credentialed.