Maxsea grow: My plants are dying!. Need help identifying the problem


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, im currently running into a problem with one of my plants. Its a Sour Diesel about 6 ft high 6 ft wide. It started to yellow on me for like 3 weeks now.
Ive been feeding it maxsea 1tbs per gallon once a week with cal mag 5ml per g. ...5 gallons total. The plant is in a 30 gallon smartpot. Any idea what it can be? Can it be nute burn??

Here are a few pics.


Well-Known Member
my old ass ecsd cut does that as flower progresses but a foliar of gypsum at 1t per gallon at week3 is alwways enjoyed an helps add some green not sure but sulfur is the cause i belive that and genetics
Thanks ill give it a shot , is it 1 tbs or tsp of gypsum? Will that help with the sulfur prob as well?


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...fading from the margins inward?
Are you dealing with extra heat and drought, by chance? Potassium is my guess ...

Thanks. Well it did get up pretty hot today, 100s , im in the sacramento area, but I water it everyday and the soil never gets too dry.


Well-Known Member
Thanks ill give it a shot , is it 1 tbs or tsp of gypsum? Will that help with the sulfur prob as well?
there are varying app rates . if your sure sulfur a epsom salt foliar with no NPK is great a 1 tablespoon per gallon .
a few days later do 1 teaspoon of gypsum (calcium sulfate dihydride) with any sort of nitrogen fert that does not contain calcium as well . if you see marked improvement a topdress of gypsum a i tablespoon per 10 gallons soil weekly will balence calcuim and salt ratios
be sure to use a wetting agent ...


Well-Known Member
Thanks. Well it did get up pretty hot today, 100s , im in the sacramento area, but I water it everyday and the soil never gets too dry.

I've been growing tobacco this year (I'm around Vancouver BC), and I got nailed by Potassium deficiency during a hot'n'dry spell even though my super-soil was adequately loaded.
I gave my plants foliar feeds of 0.56g/L Potassium Sulfate along with two waterings using that solution and it stopped the progression.

With the end of the heat, growth went back to normal.
The point is it didn't matter that the plants were watered. Heat will quickly fuck with the chemistry .


Well-Known Member
there are varying app rates . if your sure sulfur a epsom salt foliar with no NPK is great a 1 tablespoon per gallon .
a few days later do 1 teaspoon of gypsum (calcium sulfate dihydride) with any sort of nitrogen fert that does not contain calcium as well . if you see marked improvement a topdress of gypsum a i tablespoon per 10 gallons soil weekly will balence calcuim and salt ratios
be sure to use a wetting
there are varying app rates . if your sure sulfur a epsom salt foliar with no NPK is great a 1 tablespoon per gallon .
a few days later do 1 teaspoon of gypsum (calcium sulfate dihydride) with any sort of nitrogen fert that does not contain calcium as well . if you see marked improvement a topdress of gypsum a i tablespoon per 10 gallons soil weekly will balence calcuim and salt ratios
be sure to use a wetting agent ...
What do u recommend for a good nitrogen fertilizer? I got maxsea all purpose and also the foxfarm trio, are those types of ferts that youre talking about?? Or Do you reccommend anything else?


Well-Known Member
Maxsea does not contain MG. You might try a shot of Epsom salts or CalMag...
Ive been giving it cal mag with every feeding, which is once a week and plain water in between feedings. Should I also add calmag in between feedings with every watering ??


Well-Known Member
Ive been giving it cal mag with every feeding, which is once a week and plain water in between feedings. Should I also add calmag in between feedings with every watering ??
No, if your already giving it CalMag then it's not Mg def...I have had to double Maxsea dose for a few plants. You might try an extra feeding of Maxsea. Good luck


Well-Known Member
No, if your already giving it CalMag then it's not Mg def...I have had to double Maxsea dose for a few plants. You might try an extra feeding of Maxsea. Good luck
Yeah ill do that and see what happens. Do you feed them in the evening or mornings ?


Active Member
Are you feeding it maxsea every watering? If so I would suggest giving it maxsea every 2 waterings or every other or just give it plain water phed for awhile. Sac gets hot so you can let that soil dry up really well before you water or feed the plant. Maybe also try using diamond nector when you give nutes as well.


Well-Known Member
Also from the picture it looks like u may have a spider mite issue. Pest can really stress out the plant which can lead to deficiency symthoms.