Disgraced ’19 Kids’ Star Josh Duggar Named in Ashley Madison Leak

Should a known thief be able to live next door to an orange grove or a ladies underwear sales outlet?
your argument is like 7 days....WEAK
It seems like you have no problem with a pedophile living next door to an elementary school. Why do you defend pedophiles ?
your argument is like 7 days....WEAK
It seems like you have no problem with a pedophile living next door to an elementary school. Why do you defend pedophiles ?

If it's a government school and forcibly funded, I have a problem with that school, as its existence is funded via force rather than on a consensual basis.

Why do you defend theft?

Also, how would I get the right to tell anyone where to live, if I don't own the property in question?

I'm not defending pedophiles, I have no use for people that force themselves on others, apparently when it comes to funding schools, you have a very pedophilliac mode of acquiring the funding. Your hypocrisy is showing...again.
If it's a government school and forcibly funded, I have a problem with that school, as its existence is funded via force rather than on a consensual basis.

Why do you defend theft?

Also, how would I get the right to tell anyone where to live, if I don't own the property in question?

I'm not defending pedophiles, I have no use for people that force themselves on others, apparently when it comes to funding schools, you have a very pedophilliac mode of acquiring the funding. Your hypocrisy is showing...again.
you mean like the schools where you received your education ? The school where you sent your 3 little men to get educated ? The schools that gave you and your children an education. Those schools ? GTFO
Pedophiles lose there fucking right to decide where they want to live, once convicted... as they should. You feel they should still have rights. One being that they can live next door to a school
Can child of 13 consent to sex with an adult?
This is a question to you Rob Roy

Any person capable of consenting, can consent. Any person incapable of consenting cannot. Any person coerced into "consenting" has not really consented.

Any person that pushes a law with prohibitions baked into it, is pushing a form of prohibition. That would be you.

Since you are apparently, on one hand against nonconsenusal relations (that's a good thing) but on the other hand you advocate for forceful prohibitions which is a form of creating a nonconsensual relation, isn't it safe to say you are inconsistent and confused?

How do you explain your hypocrisy?
Any person capable of consenting, can consent. Any person incapable of consenting cannot. Any person coerced into "consenting" has not really consented.

So the Rob Roys answer is that a 13 year old can consent to sex with an Adult.
It's official.
Rob Roy is a pedophile
The rest is a strawman

Debaters invoke a straw man when they put forth an argument--usually something extreme or easy to argue against--that they know their opponent doesn't support. You put forth a straw man because you know it will be easy for you to knock down or discredit. It's a way of misrepresenting your opponent's position.
you mean like the schools where you received your education ? The school where you sent your 3 little men to get educated ? The schools that gave you and your children an education. Those schools ? GTFO
Pedophiles lose there fucking right to decide where they want to live, once convicted... as they should. You feel they should still have rights. One being that they can live next door to a school

If a pedophile is a bad person because they used or threatened force to engage a nonconsenting person, how is it okay when schools use the same method (force) to acquire their funding? I await your well thought out and on point answer to my question.
Shouldn't you be hastily folding laundry so you'll have more time to go back into the dark recesses of the utility closet and sort your erm "special collection" of dryer pilfered lingerie?
Does it piss you off that I don't have to fold clothes, but actually pay my employees to do it ? Does this upset you ? Do you need a job ? I'm sure I could find you some work that you are capable of doing.
If a pedophile is a bad person because they used or threatened force to engage a nonconsenting person, how is it okay when schools use the same method (force) to acquire their funding? I await your well thought out and on point answer to my question.


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If a pedophile is a bad person because they used or threatened force to engage a nonconsenting person, how is it okay when schools use the same method (force) to acquire their funding? I await your well thought out and on point answer to my question.
yawn. Do you not see the stupidity in your argument.
You're comparing schools to a pedophile.
No, you see a person can observe or remark on something, but not BE that something.
You're a little slow sometimes aren't you? (rhetorical question...no need to answer)

Here's an example dolt, I observed and commented on your prohibitionist law proposal. Yet, I have not endorsed it, because I see the baked in prohibition and reject it as an action I'd endorse. By observing your silly law or expounding on it, I am not embracing it, nor has my observation made me a prohibitionist.
You have yet to successfully argue that a law I propose that actually lets me grow and possess marijuana makes me a prohibitionist when current law prohibits me from either growing or possessing.

You have successfully convinced me that you are a pedophile and racist though
yawn. Do you not see the stupidity in your argument.
You're comparing schools to a pedophile.

No. I'm comparing the means that both a pedophile uses and proponents of government schools use are the same...force. Know why? Because they are.

If the means both use aren't derived from nondefensive force, prove me wrong. You can't, not because you're stupid*, because I've stated a demonstrable fact.

*To be clear, I didn't say you weren't stupid, I said even a person that wasn't stupid couldn't accurately opine against or over a fact.
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You have yet to successfully argue that a law I propose that actually lets me grow and possess marijuana makes me a prohibitionist when current law prohibits me from either growing or possessing.

You have successfully convinced me that you are a pedophile and racist though

Your acceptance of the "permission" based status quo is stunning. When you are "let" do something and you accept it, you are also accepting the chains that come along with that acceptance. Good luck with that. Also, YOU advocated for the prohibition in your silly law, not me.

I understand you have a hard time comprehending some things, so I'll just leave you alone to slaver feverishly over the jack boots to satisfy your hunger for permission and your lust for statist leather on your tongue.