Well, considering the technology developed in the making of ocarina of time for the N64 pretty much revolutionized the whole industry, and the fact that it is still the highest rated game of all time and continues to be a best seller for 3ds and digital copies on the WiiU, i must disagree. The NES games were amazing though.
Windwaker was also pretty revolutionary, and for anyone who pays attention to the storyline of the franchise it really flipped the script on us all. Alot of people were turned off by the new art style, but in fact it had one of the darkest stories in the franchise. How many rated E games feature a world that has just been flooded resulting in the death of the majority of the population?
Majoras Mask was especially impressive. The entire game was developed in under a year. If that doesn't show how brilliant the Staff in that division of Nintendo are.... Well idk what does.
Twilight Princess had a shitty story IMO. Playing as wolf link was nothing short of annoying. Its the only one i played and wasnt too fond of.