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20 for rec users, and most of that is tax that helps build the community, thats a win win. All med users pay way less and everyone is entitled to grow. Your bitching about 20 a gram for mostly out of towners when that money does good things? I thought this was the reason to go Legal so that criminals would lose profit and humanity would gain.

Regadless you are not seeing the biggger picture, your actions make it seem like you want it to stay gray for some sort of black market motives. Anyways enjoy your fines, please do not come back to riu in a year complaining if your man gets in.
Lol I call out the bm dealers who hide behind mmar paperwork daily here. I don't sell I smoke. So I shut down your Fear MONGERING with direct proof now you're resorting to calling me a criminal for not wanting jt's weed policy? No I want to grow my own and for everyone with a badge or govt title to fuck off and keep their greedy little mitts off my weed. I've never been pro weed tax for anyone. The only way to take organized crime out of the equation is to take the profit out of it. If I can grow for .50 a gram and have more then I need off that $200 I'd pay for a oz now and not pay a cent of tax on any of it why would I vote for anyone but the only one who's going to give me that? Fuck corporate weed.

What is your stance on legalizing marijuana in Canada?
An NDP government will decriminalize marijuana the minute we get into government. I have dealt with thousands of cases and spent more than three decades in the frontlines of the courts dealing with drugs and the justice system. I have first-hand experience of the harms illegal drugs inflict on our communities. The so-called "war on drugs" has been a dismal failure and the approach of the Harper government is making it worse. Canadians are ready for change on the issue of marijuana - whether decriminalization, regulation, taxation, harm reduction, prevention, and public safety. We need a new approach. I am open to wide consultation and reforms. I will bring my experience and expertise to the table on the whole range of controlled drugs and substance, to create real solutions.
of course that's what it means..for rec of course.. patients still need to have their "legal" meds no matter what...
I disagree with the fine Part GB. At least you're able to discuss the issue without calling me a criminal for not agreeing with your viewpoint. I do agree things will be getting better for us med patients when the Ndp get in.
So you don't pay attention to the news but still have an opinion on everything?
Day one! Read!

Seems he can't make up his mind. Just saying what people want to hear for votes with no specifics, like I stated before. At the end of the day if he doesn't "keep his word" what repercussions will he face? Hmmmmm that's right none. He has no legal obligation to. Also chill with the assumptions on what I do or do not read in the news. Panties in a bunch now aren't they. People will have different opinions than you do in life, might wanna work on accepting that, unlike your angry rant on what the definition of decriminalization is. You're an adult, I suggest you try carrying yourself as one
way behind the times...

we live in a "parented" Country :lol: ..dont do might take your eye out ...

You can drink and drive your boat all day long down in New York state and as long as you have control.. there's no issue. You're a responsible adult after all.

Seems he can't make up his mind. Just saying what people want to hear for votes with no specifics, like I stated before. At the end of the day if he doesn't "keep his word" what repercussions will he face? Hmmmmm that's right none. He has no legal obligation to. Also chill with the assumptions on what I do or do not read in the news. Panties in a bunch now aren't they. People will have different opinions than you do in life, might wanna work on accepting that, unlike your angry rant on what the definition of decriminalization is. You're an adult, I suggest you try carrying yourself as one
Great video. He's trying to distance them from the word because of the conatation surrounding it. He clearly has stated possession and growing for recreational use will not be illigal. Even better for the medical patients. Jt wants corporate weed and helped pass c-51. Don't kid yourself jt is a profiteer.... Ndp minoroity is what's coming. Sorry jt/Harper nice hair though.

Seems he can't make up his mind. Just saying what people want to hear for votes with no specifics, like I stated before. At the end of the day if he doesn't "keep his word" what repercussions will he face? Hmmmmm that's right none. He has no legal obligation to. Also chill with the assumptions on what I do or do not read in the news. Panties in a bunch now aren't they. People will have different opinions than you do in life, might wanna work on accepting that, unlike your angry rant on what the definition of decriminalization is. You're an adult, I suggest you try carrying yourself as one
this looks like an old video...his beard is more grey these days. i hope his stance has changed because he has seen and heard us.

Seems he can't make up his mind. Just saying what people want to hear for votes with no specifics, like I stated before. At the end of the day if he doesn't "keep his word" what repercussions will he face? Hmmmmm that's right none. He has no legal obligation to. Also chill with the assumptions on what I do or do not read in the news. Panties in a bunch now aren't they. People will have different opinions than you do in life, might wanna work on accepting that, unlike your angry rant on what the definition of decriminalization is. You're an adult, I suggest you try carrying yourself as one

LMAO that is Gmacks man right there. Even if this is some what old it holds the truth. He has recently said he will commission a study, man fuck a study, they should study my nut sack. Also wtf is a "Gmack"
i heard he said he'd decriminalize the day he gets into office. i know it's not legalization but so far he's unclear what that picture of decriminalization looks like.
if they are going to hand out tickets like parking or jay-walking...that is a start at least.
first step to legalize it!
i heard he said he'd decriminalize the day he gets into office. i know it's not legalization but so far he's unclear what that picture of decriminalization looks like.
if they are going to hand out tickets like parking or jay-walking...that is a start at least.
first step to legalize it!

True but the same could be said for JT and going Legal. Regardless I am not going to back out of this political commentary because it seems to make some of us argue and I am not here for that. Happy election to all, hope JT gets in, hope SH gets the boot, I can settle for TM.
i heard he said he'd decriminalize the day he gets into office. i know it's not legalization but so far he's unclear what that picture of decriminalization looks like.
if they are going to hand out tickets like parking or jay-walking...that is a start at least.
first step to legalize it!
No tickets man. Not for rec use and production. qnd for medical patients we can expect the Ndp to stop this fight. Dead in its tracks. It doesn't benifit them or any Canadians to continue the fight against medical use and production if they won't go after a regular joe blow. Just wait and see.
No tickets man. Not for rec use and production. qnd for medical patients we can expect the Ndp to stop this fight. Dead in its tracks. It doesn't benifit them or any Canadians to continue the fight against medical use and production if they won't go after a regular joe blow. Just wait and see.
i hope you are right...i think the same there..leave patients alone.