First Strike Capabilities = preemptive nuclear strike. First Strike Capabilities != possession. If this were true, we would've gone "Welp! Russians have first strike capabilities, no need to do Star Wars or a Missile Defense System!" Nor would we be as worried as we were about Russian subs getting close to our Atlantic/Pacific seaboard, nor would Russia be as worried about our subs getting close to their Eastern Seaboard. Sonar nets would've been a sinkhole of money.
First Strike Capabilities have always been, since the introduction of nuclear strategy in the 1950s one country's ability to launch a nuclear attack that disables another country's capability to launch a retaliatory strike, or for the attacker to survive a retaliatory strike. I invite you to go educate yourself on the matter.
Also your point of "The kind of bombs the US, Russia, and China can throw, make fuel as they burn and only stop because they have no where else to go. VERY LARGE BA BOOM......" shows a very limited understanding of how a fusion bomb works. This is what Teller thought about Thermonuclear weapons and how they would light the entire atmosphere on fire because of the hydrogen thus destroying the planet. Yes thermonuclear weapons are an uncontrolled fusion reaction, but no, that's not entirely how it works because all the fuel is contained in the bomb itself.
Also, that part where Iran is going to reduce their stockpile of LEU (Low Enriched Uranium)? Guess what LEU is? U-235. U-235 is also necessary for light water reactors to produce energy.
Yes, that's right, U-235 is critical to civilian nuclear energy production and military weapons production. However, to make U-235 weapons grade you need highly enriched uranium (90%+ U-235), not LEU (3-4% U-235).
Also you failed to notice that Iran will not be getting any new types of centrifuges but will be forced to use their IR1s, their least efficient type of centrifuge whereas their IR2Ms will be placed in storage and their enrichment capacity will be limited to Natanz plant (which will be under IAEA supervision). Moreover the Arak Heavy Water Research Reactor (IR-40) will be modernized and rebuilt so that it can only be used for peaceful purposes thus minimizing its ability to produce plutonium and eliminating its ability to enrich weapons grade plutonium.
And your worry about somehow LEU becoming HEU via the waste process of a reactor (????) - the IAEA will have a multilayering monitoring of the entire uranium chain in Iran from its mining to its waste. What's more important here is that:
Iran has agreed to this.
So before you say "Thanks Obama for stopping Iran from making a clandestine nuclear weapons program that in the long run is much much much more dangerous than what's currently happening," say "Thanks United States, China, Russia, United Kingdom, France and Germany," because we didn't negotiate this on our own, the P5 (US, PRC, RF, UK, France) + Germany did.[/QUOTE]
Sorry, didn`t realize the thin skin.
When Iran get`s to the point of using a HOT bomb first strike capable as you understand it, will make one airburst over Israel and it will be over for them. They cannot defend against covert entry, they are land-tied. there will not be a nuclear retaliation attempt by a country that claims to have HOT weapons. There are at least thirty Nations that can suffer the same fate should Iran go mad.
The US, I can see it, not you,.....A bomb of unknown origin has detonated in the locks on the Suez Canal in the gulf part,...The US infrastructure will rapidly decline over the next year and then collapse for prolly 25 or more. So,...Who should the US shoot at ?
You see the chart, that`s Fusion, Iran will be getting the Fission menu. It tells me what you know about all that LEU, UDT, Ikea shit you said.
And BTW,`s 85%