A lot of people don`t realize that a key American infrastructure component is in Egypt. Another is in Kuwait. There are targets over there that can ruin us over here. Staying out of there and ignoring the threats, will one day find you cut-off with a long road to recovery.
Lots of Americans say it`s not our business,....it is, those same Americans said get out, we are killing innocents in the efforts,...well we did, and now they are killing more innocents and growing.
So I don`t understand how them killing trying to get to us is so good as to us killing before they get to us being so bad.
None of our efforts were successful because these same Americans held the Big Brass at bay by way of politicians running the war and setting ROE`s against us that favor them, from afar, to please these same Americans that will one day call upon those same Big Brass later.
I said it before, Patton would be in Beijing smoke`n and tip`n knowing these fucks will never bother you or me again,....