Best Friend Now Addicted To Heroin...Help

I'll be sad as fuck if i have to turn away from him. Like not trying to be homo but hes my only REAL friend. We all know how 'friends' are when it comes to weed but hes the only tue person i know.

I need more friends that respect the maryjane and dont just look at it as a way to escape and get high. I need friends who are successful and respect the herb and do what they got to do to make it.

Do what you can to help your friend but set your boundaries and stick with them. Prepare yourself for losing him though. Good luck to him - there are ways out but it often takes a while for people to take them.
One of the sad truths of doing shit like this is that it causes a great deal of permanent damage. Most addicts neglecting and abusing their personal relationships and end up ruining them. Additionally, they fuck up their brain chemistry. The longer they stay on it, the more damage they do to themselves. Help your friend by being there. It's your duty. But be true to yourself and don't let him ruin your life.
One of the sad truths of doing shit like this is that it causes a great deal of permanent damage. Most addicts neglecting and abusing their personal relationships and end up ruining them. Additionally, they fuck up their brain chemistry. The longer they stay on it, the more damage they do to themselves. Help your friend by being there. It's your duty. But be true to yourself and don't let him ruin your life.

yuppers, gotz ta wacth outz 4 brainz damazges, looks at mes
I couldn't be friends with someone who tried even once. People willing to take risks like that in life, are time bombs looking for lives to destroy. Get the fuck out of their way, and keep them away. It isn't the drug, its the person, what they are capable of and what they will become capable of. They knew better, but still didn't give enough fucks about themselves or anyone around them.

Its been said, but seriously if you have to help, I'd get his ass arrested just to keep him clean. Keeps him at a distance, and protects you at the same time.
I couldn't be friends with someone who tried even once. People willing to take risks like that in life, are time bombs looking for lives to destroy. Get the fuck out of their way, and keep them away. It isn't the drug, its the person, what they are capable of and what they will become capable of. They knew better, but still didn't give enough fucks about themselves or anyone around them.

Its been said, but seriously if you have to help, I'd get his ass arrested just to keep him clean. Keeps him at a distance, and protects you at the same time.

you do realize that one can get drugs in jails / prisons just as easily as on the street
Empathy is good sympathy is the no no.
I have a close relative that will remove you from his house to the street when you od
and then call the hospital.
Thats what the cool ones do.
Some try to bring you back and then just leave you somewhere when it don't work.

You died but they avoided speaking to the police. Even though they could have stashed any drugs and
in an accidental overdose around here they don't arrest every user in the city you seen that day.

Wait a tic!
I'm starting to think these powerful drugs may warp your thought process,

Nah, I get it.
No one has time to save some blue lipped party ruiner if the po po gots to be axing hard questions.

I despise hard drugs man.
The saddest part is a lot of the hard cases I encountered were actually very bright and caring people.
Unfortunately that has jack shit to do with anything.

I was a meff head that the world finally gave up on and I eventually made it.
My best friend was so bad even I gave up on him, he also came back.
granted the relationship changed drastically and it was a 20 yr battle royal where people died,
went to prison and families were destroyed but life aint all crackerjacks and fingerbanging padre,
I have seen literally thousands of very successful cases but I sought them out and did exactly as they told me.
Even then it was hard as shit and took years to finally end up only this fucked up in the head.
What I just told you was a story of love, hope and a shit ton of mind-breaking work.

I cringe when I hear current hard drug abusers glorify their antics because
I know what they look like the day they can no longer live with or without drugs/
One of the sad truths of doing shit like this is that it causes a great deal of permanent damage. Most addicts neglecting and abusing their personal relationships and end up ruining them. Additionally, they fuck up their brain chemistry. The longer they stay on it, the more damage they do to themselves. Help your friend by being there. It's your duty. But be true to yourself and don't let him ruin your life.
You've met in me in person did I seem fucking brain damaged to you lol
Like 9/10 people posting in here I'm pretty sure I would never want to be real friends with
You people are goddamn heartless lol
Get him arrested
Loss cause
Let him die
Leave him to die hell just 100% die anyways
He's a selfish person who knew what he was doing

Etc etc
Ur friend is a dope fiend.... I deal with dope fiends all day .. there ain't shit u can do for him if he hooked.. if he shoots up he is twice as gone... I've never met a fiend who beat addiction.. and I've been dealing with hypes all mylife.. sorry truth hurts sometime
Yea getting him arrested is a horrible idea. If you havnt been in their situation, you shouldnt make such extreme decisions. If you have, then you shouldnt think that. Im an ex addict and the only real addiction I have is king of the hill I tell you hwat ....and my kittens.
Ur friend is a dope fiend.... I deal with dope fiends all day .. there ain't shit u can do for him if he hooked.. if he shoots up he is twice as gone... I've never met a fiend who beat addiction.. and I've been dealing with hypes all mylife.. sorry truth hurts sometime
Not true and i seriously cant believe you just said that. Almost feel as if you motive or just completely wrong.

Your friends are pansies, or your statement isnt true.
Prison has saved many junkies life.
Go there and ask a few they will tell you themselves.
Not suggesting you set him up but I'm also not suggesting you bail him out when he gets there.
It is part of the process.
Its called a consequence, No one likes detoxing in jail but there are worse things that could happen.
Not true and i seriously cant believe you just said that. Almost feel as if you motive or just completely wrong.

Your friends are pansies, or your statement isnt true.

Then lets say most of them never come back from it, and its a statistical win to just tell them all to fuck off and die.
Like 9/10 people posting in here I'm pretty sure I would never want to be real friends with
You people are goddamn heartless lol
Get him arrested
Loss cause
Let him die
Leave him to die hell just 100% die anyways
He's a selfish person who knew what he was doing

Etc etc

I'd say 9/10 in this thread wouldn't try the garbage. So it works out.
Junkies steal...hide your valuables.

Funny you say that because I had a half ounce of hash oil in my upstairs dresser and when we did a dab I was walking downstairs in my own house and I was waiting at the bottom of the stairs for my 'friend' I was thinking he was looking to take some but knew better not to.