Additives for roots organic?

papa canna

Well-Known Member
I'm switching soils from fox farm over to roots. A lot of people say that in order to get those most out of your soil (especially roots organic) you should use additives like earth worm casings and lime etc. Anyone here got a good mix? Im quite busy so I dont want to mix in a ton of ingredients, but what are a couple things that would really help boost the soil?


Well-Known Member
Just look up subcools recipe and cut it down....or Google some...If you do, say amendments instead.....

And how much roots are you getting? Any local nurseries s around? Or just Walmart, Lowes type?

Make sure your looking at every npk of every amendment your adding in, ph as well


Well-Known Member
I use Roots Organic soil and have for years. All I add is dolomite lime, humic acid, garden gypsum, and seabird and bat guano. You can add more if you like. I recycle my soil and this is my standard amendment list for when I re-plant. I use DG Humic and DG Gypsum from Anderson. It is granular and easy to use. You can get a nice free sample pack here.. Hope this helps. Good Luck Dude.

papa canna

Well-Known Member
Just look up subcools recipe and cut it down....or Google some...If you do, say amendments instead.....

And how much roots are you getting? Any local nurseries s around? Or just Walmart, Lowes type?

Make sure your looking at every npk of every amendment your adding in, ph as well
I saw the recipe, my room is small and that's way too much of a hassle for me as far as medium goes. I'm also quite a novice (I'm sure I'd mess something up), I'm about to harvest for the first time, but I am not at all impressed by using 100% ocean forest

papa canna

Well-Known Member
I use Roots Organic soil and have for years. All I add is dolomite lime, humic acid, garden gypsum, and seabird and bat guano. You can add more if you like. I recycle my soil and this is my standard amendment list for when I re-plant. I use DG Humic and DG Gypsum from Anderson. It is granular and easy to use. You can get a nice free sample pack here.. Hope this helps. Good Luck Dude.
Do you think all of that would be necessary if I didn't plan on recycling soil?


Well-Known Member
Roots organic soil will feed them in a 5 gallon pot for about 4 weeks after that you'll need to feed them.i just finished a run of og kush and 1 cotton candy using nothing but peters plant food and their bloom's very cheap and available online at Amazon .get a small tub of each and see how you like it.It is as simple as it gets and really does as good a job as most nutrient lines.


Well-Known Member
I mix it with pro mix. Just let em drink straight ph'd water for 2-3 straight weeks then start feeding nutes


Well-Known Member
I saw the recipe, my room is small and that's way too much of a hassle for me as far as medium goes. I'm also quite a novice (I'm sure I'd mess something up), I'm about to harvest for the first time, but I am not at all impressed by using 100% ocean forest
It's easy, that recipe is for a shit load of gallons....I mix for 20 gallons...very easy, just like I said cut it down....I mix roots with, Dolomite lime, bone and blood meal (from lowes $6 a piece...Jobes is the brand) DM eart, a little more perlite...more earth worm casting, and sometimes sand


Well-Known Member
It's all maybe under $50... well not the roots but just what is being added..I buy 1.5 cu ft. Of roots

papa canna

Well-Known Member
It's easy, that recipe is for a shit load of gallons....I mix for 20 gallons...very easy, just like I said cut it down....I mix roots with, Dolomite lime, bone and blood meal (from lowes $6 a piece...Jobes is the brand) DM eart, a little more perlite...more earth worm casting, and sometimes sand
I'm not much of a math person, but I'm going to get 7 gallon fabric pots. Does it say on those products how much to add by the gallon? And if so can you trust that seeing as your mixing food into a medium that already has food?


Well-Known Member
I'm not much of a math person, but I'm going to get 7 gallon fabric pots. Does it say on those products how much to add by the gallon? And if so can you trust that seeing as your mixing food into a medium that already has food?
Two main things to worry about is npk and ph (only time I ph)I personally try and just water for as long as possible I don't try to mess with nutriehts, but to each his own and yes they do have instructions. ..mix as a whole....I know you said you don't have much room, but if you have enough room to grow them, then you gave enough can go to your local goodwill or thrift store and get a $3 plastic swimming pool......

As saying that it seems you should keep it super simple, and do what's right for you, like others suggested it will last multiple weeks, but then the rest is up to you!!


Well-Known Member
I saw the recipe, my room is small and that's way too much of a hassle for me as far as medium goes. I'm also quite a novice (I'm sure I'd mess something up), I'm about to harvest for the first time, but I am not at all impressed by using 100% ocean forest
ya I heard ff ocean forest is crap now

papa canna

Well-Known Member
Two main things to worry about is npk and ph (only time I ph)I personally try and just water for as long as possible I don't try to mess with nutriehts, but to each his own and yes they do have instructions. ..mix as a whole....I know you said you don't have much room, but if you have enough room to grow them, then you gave enough can go to your local goodwill or thrift store and get a $3 plastic swimming pool......

As saying that it seems you should keep it super simple, and do what's right for you, like others suggested it will last multiple weeks, but then the rest is up to you!!
I barely have enough space in my room to water my girls. let alone make room for a pool of dirt.


Well-Known Member
Do you think all of that would be necessary if I didn't plan on recycling soil?
If your just going to use it once, you should just add a little lime and water. Thats a lot for soil your just going to use once. I just put a few tablespoons of my amendments in each pot mix it and plant again. Been doing it for a long time now. If the pot needs more soil I just add some coco fiber and or pearlite.