outdoor advice for east coast


One of them is much more full then the others one has really long branches it's wicked hot today and the rest of the week so hopefully I can swing it i can put them in my sunroom for the nights it gets too cold or is that a bad idea? I just want at least one to give me something I can smoke and say I grew lol I'm no pro


Well-Known Member
One of them is much more full then the others one has really long branches it's wicked hot today and the rest of the week so hopefully I can swing it i can put them in my sunroom for the nights it gets too cold or is that a bad idea? I just want at least one to give me something I can smoke and say I grew lol I'm no pro
If you have a sun room then that's a great idea to finish them.


Well-Known Member
Rob-does that look like its ready for 12/12 to start flowering yet? Im kind of in the same stage but deep south-still hot as hell here
if it look likes the posters plant i would say yes she is about 2 weeks in i rekon or even 3

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I'm in the same boat as Kimbawly. About 3 wks since the first sign of bud. wondering about newts for bud growth. advise would be welcome
I would start a "bloom" nute now...good time to......feed every other watering....No major P&K jumps....you need to run long term.

Maybe a small P&K booster use at 6 weeks one time.


Well-Known Member
/\/\/\ good advice @Kimbowly If you put those plants in a sunroom make sure you don't interrupt the dark cycle. When its dark outside you want it dark in that room. No porch lights or residual light from another room.


Ok cause the sunroom is right on the side of my deck same light just the sunroom has a roof lol so they be getting the same darkness they have always gotten just inside
What kind of nutrients lol. I have NO idea about that stuff I garner and smoke so I figured I'd try and garden my smoke


Well-Known Member
So Im find just leaving mine outside? I mean its up around 90 probably for another month!! JUST NOW seeing pistils on my baby-had to rip one out cause the lady had balls!! So when the trichomes are amber, get to rippin?
Im in the deep south too. Let her go as long as you can. I have had rain for 25 of the last 30 days down here and my ladies are well into the flowering. I'm worried about bud rot but so far so good. Keep an eye out for any mold, other than that let them girls grow! Good Luck Dude!


Well-Known Member
Ok cause the sunroom is right on the side of my deck same light just the sunroom has a roof lol so they be getting the same darkness they have always gotten just inside
What kind of nutrients lol. I have NO idea about that stuff I garner and smoke so I figured I'd try and garden my smoke
something with a npk ratio higher in p and k bloom nutrients


And another thing I never put any thought into is how much water and how often I usually do twice a day since they are in direct sun alot of the day once by 8 am and again before my second job at like 330 when would I give the nutrients


Well-Known Member
And another thing I never put any thought into is how much water and how often I usually do twice a day since they are in direct sun alot of the day once by 8 am and again before my second job at like 330 when would I give the nutrients
You don't want them constantly wet. Water real good in the am along with the feeding. Are you growing organic or using synthetic nutrients like fertilizer salts? This is one of mine. If you look under my post it says water only click that and read up. grow pics 093.jpg


You don't want them constantly wet. Water real good in the am along with the feeding. Are you growing organic or using synthetic nutrients like fertilizer salts? This is one of mine. If you look under my post it says water only click that and read up. View attachment 3496302
Will rain be bad for them at this point it's suppose to get nasty tomorrow. I feel like the answer should be no but figured I'd ask anyhow