@ robincnn, I'm going to come to understand and appreciate your post I'm sure, thanks. From naked eye I see a single piece in each lens or whatever. LED tech is pretty impressive to say the least.
Perhaps as I progress I'll invest in a more expensive LED that produces more per watt. For now things work.. I'm approaching harvest and have some very potent stuff. I love firsts, first time I've had buds of my own, I had to sample some! Best methods aside, I snipped a couple, dried them and wow already better than the commercial shit I've been smoking. That is progress plain and simple.
I do think you guys should ease up on Mars though. I mean what other company has delivered a similarly priced product that delivers safe build quality, which produces results? Think about noobs getting into this. Think 10 bucks more in a monthly power bill, or a couple ounces less makes a difference? Any yield is an achievement, hell I just looked at trichomes for the first time. I think safety comes first, results second, efficiently third. Cost, well hell that's where it gets complicated and I start thinking about something else.