a mate iknow s brothers workmate step uncle needs some too ....so yano ill pass em on if u got any spareIt's ok . Just found a strip in car.
i carnt do em anymore mate, it takes more than some over the counter shit to get me over the midweek depression when you munch double figures, my brain is frazzled after a heavy sesh on the dutchies for wks carnt be arsed with it.
slept bout 4hr in the last 3days tho lol some of these are needed to keep me awake lol
25mg ritalin tabs
View attachment 3494972
Aye fuck that double figure shit, IMO ye only get urself into more of a mess and not in the good way.
Ye need tablets to keep u awake now? ffs one day ur needing stuff to help u sleep and now it's to keep u awake lmao, make yer mind up and get te yer bed lol
Them Ritalin are for ADHD and the likes aren't they? I mine a m8 used to always steal his brothers years ago to eat and his ma used to go fuckin mad lol. One sons takin drugs to make him better an the other steals them to get a hit lol
Yeah Irish it's a must win for Scotland but we have no fucking chance against Germany !!
I hope not I've got Germany on my coupon tonight and it's for a few hundred quid lmao.Mite get a draw from it man we did
i done a q of the raw last few days mate, aint slept for shit, nows not a time i can go sleep so need something to stay awake lol
I'll email u mate2 mate you got owt to trade for em?