nitro harley
Well-Known Member
And idiotic.
This next year is really going to be interesting and don't forget to vote. lol
And idiotic.
This next year is really going to be interesting and don't forget to vote. lol
don't forget to keep defrauding the system to collect unearned and undeserved benefits, mooch.
Gravy is good. yum.
you certainly changed your tune on that one after years of complaining about it as soon as it became apparent that you are one of the biggest welfare mooches on this forum, eh?
hypocrisy is fun to make fun of.
but you are a sad, bitter, angry racist loser.
kill yourself.
I have never been to a welfare office but the government gravy is finger licking good. yummy.
nowhere near as delicious as catching you red-handed as a welfare sucking hypocrite.
BarryO loses another one.
Judge upholds controversial Arizona immigration law
Published September 06, 2015
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Arizona judge upholds controversial immigration law
the supreme court already struck down almost every part of SB1070, a suit which the obama administration brought and won.
so i guess if you consider one small fraction of that law being upheld with strict scrutiny by the SCOTUS, then yes, you finally won something by losing most of it.
None of this will matter when Trump builds the wall anyway.
are you on a mission to never be right about anything?
Hey I predicted the Boot in the ass day and nailed it in the last mid term election.
history predicted that, it has happened every single time except for once or twice.
might as well have predicted a sunrise.
So I am right and you are fucked up, OK. I caught a bright chrome chinook today and it is going to taste so good. Fresh fish to go with the gravy. yum.
bold prediction: whichever party wins the presidency in 2016 will lose seats in congress in 2018.
if i'm wrong, i'll leave the site forver. if i'm right, you have to post some more pics of your 400 pound wife.