Have patience with my newbness.
. Ive have acquired some seeds from my caretaker mistakenly out of every three or so ounces I received from him. Its always ONE strain an its some sort of OG or diesel breed. So when I found them my first childish thought was "Oh They Must Be Miracle Seeds!!". So i waited a couple weeks or so and started germinating them to see anything would happen.
A couple days later, Yayy
we have sprouts! Impatiently I planted them into some solo cups filled with some of my luscious tomato soil i grew with this summer. ( bad idea possibly).Bare with me! I proceeded to name them by African American female music artist , not knowing how to identify them. Erykah is doing fine she is sprouting and and has shed her seedling cover. Aaliyah isn't looking that well and I actually don't know whats wrong. Left Eye is starting to sprout up but shes still got her seedling cover attached. I did some research and i know its probably time to move them into some better soil and start a light cycle.( Is transplanting ok at this point?) So i'm doing 16 hrs on starting at 4am. I will transfer them into some new soil tomorrow. I would really like the Rollitup communitys help on doing a reliable indoor stealth grow as i have roommates. I think it would be awesome to make these ladies the best they can be with the help of you guys so all tips and criticism are welcome and appreciated!

A couple days later, Yayy