But I definetly do agree I should of waited another week or so ... But so far I have dried them for 3 days in a pinewood cabinet temps from 70-76 and now I have trimmed the "hang" stems off so I just have buds ... Now there're in a pasta strainer in a closet in my basement ..my basement has a dehumidifier so I put them in my linen closet lol ... Just for the next few hours ... I'll take them out in the morning ... See if they have dried enough .. If so its off to the jars ... They should be considering they were already dried on the outter most part of the bud ... Just want to get some of that wetness out from the center bringing some more scent wih it .. How does that sound to you? Sorry if I'm bothering you im new grower and want to get it right the second time lol since I have improved this grow substantially from my first grow I want to keep on the right track and your advice helps