Need Guidance


New Member
I'm trying to jump into the whole indoor growing scene. I know what I want but don't know what I need. I've seen a few threads here and like the atmosphere here so I decided to sign up and ask for some help/opinions. I apologize if this thread is in the wrong sub section because I'm asking both about design and what to grow for my needs.

I'm wanting to grow 4 plants, 3 for own use and the other as a mother plant. I want to use a grow box setup due to the compact design and personally feel it would be my best bet to get into hydro. I know the mother plant will have to be separate due to veg state and don't plan on cloning from here until I'm about to harvest the other 3.

Basically I'm seeking help on:
- 3 plant grow box (not really constricted by space, but want the general layout of a grow box).
- Mother plant setup (never done cloned before, but have researched. Want compact as well).
- What plant to go with for best potency/yeild ratio? (Looked at Grapegod, but also fascinated with majority of next generations selection).

I have a plethora of questions but feel that these questions are plenty enough and don't want to get ahead of myself. I appreciate any help that you guys/gals here at RIU have to offer.


Well-Known Member
I might suggest a dirt grow to start.It is a lot cheaper to start and comes with way less problems.even a humpy grow might be worth considering .


New Member
I might suggest a dirt grow to start.It is a lot cheaper to start and comes with way less problems.even a humpy grow might be worth considering .
Can they match hydro in quality? I have some experience growing, I've never gotten anything above mid from dirt.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely ! Many things can go wrong in hydro and they have to be addressed quickly .soil is much more forgiving as far as y soil is much more forgiving as far as yield hydro could possibly beat soil if you know hydro. Quality wise soil can give you exceptional product.

brewing up

Well-Known Member
dirt is good and if you go with organic nutes the buds will be delicious, im not saying that they are not delicious when using chem nutes but yano they are a little tastier :bigjoint: as for your questions i have no idea about how much size you need because you haven't said how long you plan on vegging before flowering and what watt lights your going to be using, more info would be good please and u might get some better responses bongsmilie


New Member
dirt is good and if you go with organic nutes the buds will be delicious, im not saying that they are not delicious when using chem nutes but yano they are a little tastier :bigjoint: as for your questions i have no idea about how much size you need because you haven't said how long you plan on vegging before flowering and what watt lights your going to be using, more info would be good please and u might get some better responses bongsmilie
I'm going to veg all 4 plants for 4-6 weeks (Depends on growth) and then move the other 3 to flowering (shooting for around 60 days). The mother should be around 3-4 months old before cloning. I have about a 10x10 ft area to use but want to keep the space minimal while still being optimal and practical. I've only grown indoors once and it was some what of a partnership.

My friend had some equipment and loaned it to me. The lights resembled heat lamps and put of serious heat. Was a soil grow and completely organic (River bank mud and feed river water). I'm basically still a complete noob to this.


New Member
Absolutely ! Many things can go wrong in hydro and they have to be addressed quickly .soil is much more forgiving as far as y soil is much more forgiving as far as yield hydro could possibly beat soil if you know hydro. Quality wise soil can give you exceptional product.
May go that route then unless swayed different. Thanks bro.


Well-Known Member
i just got into indoor growing a few months ago and started with hydro... its a pain in the ass as far changing ur rez unless u have a drain to waste... i had to manually change my res every week and i hated it... also like 70s said alot of different things can go wrong especially with feeding and or bacteria.... all of my plants hermied on me at the end how ever they where bag seed and may have been destined to fail from the jump... it was my first grow as well tho.... However for cloning u cannot beat hydro/ bubble cloning its so fast and easy.... i will go back to hydro after a few soil grows and get a little more experience with plant issues and deficiencys but for a newbie soil is incredibly easy compared to hydro


Well-Known Member
growth rate seemed amazing with hydro tho.... my soil grow is taking a little longer.... i vegged under 24hr light with both .... 3 weeks into veg in hydro i was ready for flower at about 24 inches... im 3 weeks into veg with my soil plants now and am around 18 inch... i think i will go another 2 weeks since my pots are smaller then my tanks were so i have more room