Cannabis oil in a sauce


Well-Known Member
make a simple cannabuter or canna oil ..use that as the base
then add your main 'taste mix, like make your 1/4 pint canna oil
then mix in 2 pints of an example

I prefer to do my canna cooking in a microwave
add 1 cup of bud to 1/4 pint a oil/butter
cook on high for 5-10 minutes
drain and allow to cool

then mix in the sauce

adjust to suit


Well-Known Member
what kind of sauce are you making? also what kind of cannabis oil are you using? for example: olive or grapeseed oil, butter, coconut oil? Different types for different sauces. Do you have the oil made or do you need to make it still?


New Member
Thank you both. I'm making bab sauce. I make the sauce then add oil from girl scout cookie. What In need to know is what temperature to cook it at and for how long after I add the oil to get peak potency.


Well-Known Member
If your oil is already activated, you can just add it at the end when your sauce is done.


Well-Known Member
If its not, then what? I believe what I need to know is how to activate it for the peak potency.
Decarb your oil by heating to 240-250° for 25 minutes. By then the bubbles of CO2 should have stopped being produced, a quick stir will bring out any gas that is being produced. At this point the oil is ready to eat.


Well-Known Member
Oi, herbalists,

*1:1 Equal amounts of bud and butter for strong effects
(cancer fighting, tumour shrinking, getting wrecked off a little brownie , etc)
*2:1 fat to bud.
Double the butter for normal strength
*5:1 butter to bud for weaker, intro, more economical or preventative tinctures

We prefer to do 200* for 2 hours over doing 150 for 90mins
..240 for 25 mins sounds legit too.

Push the temp slightly and minimize the required time by 4x..?
That's cool..

Rise up,