Having problems in my first grow


New Member
Hi, this is my first time growing and i started off with 3 plants (two "dark devil" auto and one nirvana "swiss cheese" auto) the swiss cheese started to show some changes on the leaves and i dont know what it is or what to do. She is 3,5 weeks old and just started to show some flowers, im growing outdoor, watering every day and using normal organic nutes. Hope someone can help. ThanksIMG_20150909_125159.jpg IMG_20150909_125159.jpg IMG_20150909_124918.jpg IMG_20150909_124908.jpg IMG_20150909_125159.jpg IMG_20150909_124918.jpg IMG_20150909_124908.jpg


Well-Known Member
Don't water till the dirt is dry. Unless you live somewhere very dry you shouldn't need to water everyday. Also use less notes, looks burned
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Well-Known Member
Before you ever water the plant the first time, lift the pot and feel the weight. Then lift each time before you water.Often the top of the soil, or the first inch or three, feels dry to the inexperienced.But pick that thing up. Water weighs approximately 9 pounds per gallon. Then you know she can use what you give her.