First grow with plenty of pictures!!


New Member
Here is my first closet grow. I used my phone as a camera so please excuse the poor quality pictures. I will soon have a better camera when flowering stage comes around.

As you see its a work in progress. I took pics of the closet now and will update it as I get more income to build on it.

Next week I will be purchase t5 8 4ft 8 tube set up. That will def get this things growing. With a moving hanger to allow the lights to be apx 2-5 inches away from the light.

Notice the fire hazard next to my nutes that I will never use ( miracle grow all purpose food, blood meal, iron, and sea green extract organic pesticide) The fire hazard is those fireworks sitting in the corner. Mortars. lol...

Anyways I figures I give the full blunt view to you guys so you can help out the the grow as my plant grows.

Notice I bought ocean forest soil and rapid rooter to get the seeds started.

Each plug that has a broken toothpick indicates they were attempted to germinate in a shoe box inside with wet paper towels in a plastic try sitting on top a reptile heat rock.

The picture of the water is to show what I am currently using for the rapid rooter. None of this tap water bullsh***. I rather go with clean water after all If i can taste the difference and quality ( at least my city water) then I def. go with this bottled water. Which is clean using RO method.

Notice my clothes that are still in closet. Once I get the light thats where the light will go. (for those who are observant, yes that is my military uniform. I was in Army prior service Combat MOS)

I did place the air purifier in the room, to filter out any potential problems.

I will as well clean that whole closet out and disinfect it once I pot into the soil.

So tell me what ya think.

The seeds are 10 big bud seeds from

6 from high quality local unknown strain we refer here in DFW as "popcorn"

and the rest are random seeds seleced from good bag weed.



New Member
Oh might I add I thought the seeds that I tried using the "ghetto rigged" wet towel method were fried when I came home to see the water all dried up and seeds kinda warm to the touch. I thought to myself instead of throwing them away check to see if they could grow. Soon enough and to my amazement the majority that sprouted are the ones from using that messed up method. I was surpised to see they made it.

Only one big bud seed sprouted pretty early and I will mark that one, it just might be the big yielder that I may want to get clones off of.

the reasons why there are gaps in my rooter tray is because I do not have labels and will be picking some up this wednesday when I get my supplies.

I am looking forward to this grow because my first one was a disaster using only two fluroscents, miracle grow all purpose nutes early, mixing miracle grow soil with cheap soil. Which as a result provided insects and a insect problem.

With me going further out on this grow and doing things right I will def get the results.

I am still debating if I should stay comp nute free additive untill flowering, any suggestions?


New Member
So how these seedlings looking? I put a light on first time last night. left it on all day today came back.

I had two lights. One I suspect was for a heat lamp. The other a regular 40 watt fluro.

I think, and I hope the one bulb is a heat bulb because when i went in the closet the temp read 88 Degrees!! This morning when running all night it was at 80.

As you see one seed grew two inches in stem! WTF? so, I thought that was interesting in little time and the light I had that the seeds on.

here are some more pics please critque and let me know what you think. Next week I will be purchasing the T5 4ft 8 tube setup for veg.



Well-Known Member
seem to be stretching quite a bit but nothing that a few kabob skewers can't fix. Might need to increase or lower lighting for your ladies.


New Member
The third pic if you see the one that stem up to two inches tall with the seed still attached. Still wait a lil longer before i decide to remove it myself. This was a seed from unknown strain.

So far I only have two seeds from the big bud that sprouted quickly. The others are still doing its thing, slightly worried but not to much.

sorry the pics are low quality used my camera phone to take em. All i have for now...


New Member
seem to be stretching quite a bit but nothing that a few kabob skewers can't fix. Might need to increase or lower lighting for your ladies.

the lighting is only temp. I will be purchasing the t5 4ft 8 tube set up next week with the hangar system so I can have the plants apx 2-5 inches away from the light. thanks for the tip though. For now I will attempt to play with the light to get it lower enough.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I agree with him to get your light closer too. If you can pick that seed carefully go for it. If it doesn't come off, that leave will die. :mrgreen::peace:


New Member
I agree to, I did not expect to see that much growth in so little time. I was shocked. lol... i dropped the light as well changed the celing bulb to one that was not meant for a heat lamp.

As you see I also brought in a lamp as well. Once again a temp light set up until next week when the t5 comes in. I dropped it and the light is more pointing towards the big bud seeds. I want the big bud seeds to germinate and be successful, if anything. Below are the pics.

By the way this hepa air purifier meant for a MEDIUM closet, how effective would it be for the plants? After all its cleaning the air that its breathing and doing it effectively I believe, ( running full power which is suppose to clean a 12' X 12' room) closet is so much smaller



New Member
Update: with 3 cfls in the closet and a air purifier the temp is at 83.8 degrees. it seems to be climbing. I have only seen it peeked at 88.0

What would recommend ideal temp for veg stage at this time. I am shocked at the temp spike considering the lights I have. i hope the t5 wont over bake the closet especially 8 tubes that are 4 ft long!


New Member
Here is a update it is day 2 on a 24/7 lighting. I dropped the light like you guys recommended. it is apx two inches away from my tallest plant. I did pop off the seeds on some off them, and they seem to be taking it well.

I noticed my big bud strain I still only have two sprouted and up, with one that has a reallly really purple stem. Anyone know if that is a problem or a concern that should be a concern? The other one is not like that. Just a thought.

I checked the temp again and it was at 88.9 F degrees. The temp seems to stay at that with thowe lights running and air purifier.

Thats a good thing, I would have to say, seeing how i dont have ventilation yet

Here are updated pics oh and here the exact dimensions I found my tape measure!

it is 8 feet ceiling hight. 4 feet and 2 inches long. 3 feet and 10 inches wide ( this is measure from the wall to the cabinet. i figured I only measure to cabinet for better cubic footage space to figure out my light output.

Question! what way can I setup a proper ventilation if I dont have access to my attic? I am willing to cut small holes to attach the vent to the celing, and perhaps cut a bottom hole that is adajacent to my bedroom and let that cool air come in. a good idea?



New Member
So i checked on my babies again and freaked out! the temp was at 91.28 Degrees f. So I shut off the lamp took it out the ceiling light and only have the one bulb going know. I moved the rapid rooters around into a different spot in the tray for better light position. I hope this does not shock the exposed root when I took it out momentarily.

As well I raised the air purifier machine to where it is blowing at the seedlings. So far the stems are moving steadily and it looks like they are getting good excersise from the wind.

With that being said, I opened the door for quick ventilation and was able to drop it to 86 degrees. I shut the door and will check back to make sure it is cooler and not hotter. I want to get it at apx 84 degrees. Here are some pics.



Well-Known Member
first investment get a fan. you need a 128 cfm fan to vent that size. and you will need an extra bit for back pressure from filter that you will need. air purifier not enough.
as far as nutes well thats your call. have you looked at any.


Well-Known Member
you dont need to vent to outside or the intake from outside. if you can put a hole in the bottom of entry and a hole at the top of the correct size to match fan. i start with my intake the same size as the exhaust and adjust from there


Well-Known Member
also why the t5`s what is the cost compared to mh/hps for ya
were i`m at the mh/hps is a cheeper set up and we all know it`s better for the plants


Well-Known Member
Think you could have fit that in one post boz?

Check it, that hepa air filter is not an odor control filter, your gonna need to figure out an odor control option.


Well-Known Member
sorry i`m a slow thinker in the morning. didn`t see the big deal. sorry to upset your day. lol


Well-Known Member
Think you could have fit that in one post boz?

Check it, that hepa air filter is not an odor control filter, your gonna need to figure out an odor control option.
sorry i`m a slow thinker in the morning. didn`t see the big deal. sorry to upset your day. lol

just a way for ppl to bump up their post count..better hope the MODS dont catch U. it'd be different if this was Ur own thread..but anyways

like they mentioned, the hepa filter doesnt eliminate odor, however if U find one with a carbon scrubber built in, or that has carbon filters and hepa filters that would work much better for you.

or even better if U had a way to vent hot air into a wall or attic, thatd work great for U also. ur room is about the same size as the walk in Im growin in, and the temps never exceed 88*F with my 400W HPS, and it barely puts a dent into the elctric bill. if U can get one, then do it please.

but for the seedling stage and probably half of veg, smell wont be an issue. focus on controlling the heat for right now, and everything else will fall into place.


Well-Known Member
nothing to do with points, in fact if ya like i will ask mods to wipe it clean if it makes yourt day better.
go look at my posts and you will see that it is all for helping others. so sorry i try to help outso much.
and i was talkin to the other person any how

Hmmmmm seems like you just posted the same thing as every one else, lookin for points. lol i dont care see ya i`m gone i got no time for this shit, ha ha try to help and get shit on

smartguy345 if ya want help pm me, sorry if i bothered you wonderfull people, lol
unscribed, sorry no time for this