Minimum wage leading to touchscreens replacing cashiers?


Well-Known Member
Auto workers? Assembly lines? All on future chopping blocks. Technology and corporate greed saw to that, not a simple request for a living wage.

If it is cheaper to use a human they will use a human. Because liberals are making it far more expensive to use humans they are spending millions implementing new technology.

But somehow it is the fault of the guy offering jobs and not the fault of the government making them more expensive?


Well-Known Member
They should of done this years ago.
They fuck up the order all the time
Only reason they haven't is because of the opportunity to up sell

Would you like a order of fries with that whine?
I think a touch screen with fancy flashy lights has more of a chance to up sell than that any of their "highly" trained employees.

Fast Forward- I've always been curious what everyone's supposed to do when there are no more jobs.
There will always be jobs for those who are needed. Be useful to the world around you.


Active Member
did I miss it written somewhere that guarantees people a "living" wage? And who's definition of a living wage should we use? We have entry level jobs that pay ok, if you want more work at it, grow your skills (yes more work required to do this) and then get a better job. You understand where the term entry level came from and why we have these kind of jobs right? Because people who have minimal skills can still enter into the workforce and then hopefully learn and grow from there.


Well-Known Member
Only in America would you see people defending massive corporations protecting their massive profit margins. Then they will complain that these massive corporations control their government and are buying their politicians to create laws that absolve these companies of any sort of liability for wrong doing.

Hey America maybe if Walmart and other companies were forced to pay employees a fair wage they couldn't afford to buy the politicians that have deemed corporations people all the while also ensuring that no one can go to jail when they kill someone.
You're looking at the right problem, but a better solution would be to outlaw corporate cash in politics completely. And then limit contributions (from real breathing registered voters only!) to an amount that's universally accessible, like $100


Well-Known Member
the US must be the only place where working people side with corps against other working people. Makes no sense at all.
Holy shit right?!
Welcome to the republican retard party... where nothing makes any sense because no one is held accountable for it.


Well-Known Member
That's a convenient talking point is all. Not everyone can be a plumber.
No, but nobody is useless... Those that CAN'T become skilled, either by learning a trade, or by any other means must have something wrong with them.

If it is truely NOT POSSIBLE for you to work.... Disability! Social Fucking Security.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
No, but nobody is useless... Those that CAN'T become skilled, either by learning a trade, or by any other means must have something wrong with them.

If it is truely NOT POSSIBLE for you to work.... Disability! Social Fucking Security.
My wife is disabled but if she had the drive or we needed the money she could make money using a computer. My niece transcribes patient office visit reports for a series of doctors at home and makes damn good money sitting there in rollers and PJ's. ;) After the visit the doc will record the visit results verbally, diagnosis, treatment plan, prescriptions, etc. and my niece puts it into writing for the office files.


Well-Known Member
Unskilled workers have families also. Many unskilled cannot become skilled. This has to be acknowledged
That's a convenient talking point is all. Not everyone can be a plumber.
No, but nobody is useless... Those that CAN'T become skilled, either by learning a trade, or by any other means must have something wrong with them.

If it is truely NOT POSSIBLE for you to work.... Disability! Social Fucking Security.

No kidding If you can't learn a trade, something most definitely is wrong with you. But something can be wrong with you, and you can still learn a trade! Holy shit balls, really???!!!

Guy in town runs one of the most high class detail shops around. Not too many exotics around these parts, but if you were going to see one it would be in his shop getting shined up for the next days drive. He personally polished my 360 a couple times over the years. Runs a 3 man crew, and they are always busy, even when the snow hits.

He has down syndrome so his hurdle is set much higher than most, yet he clears it daily like a boss.

There are so many trades that most are mentally and physically capable of learning one.


Well-Known Member
Did we forget that McDonald's is franchised out? Most of that profit from sales goes to franchisees, who independantly own and operate the stores.

These are small buisness owners aren't they?

So lets punish the folks who bought a buisness to make a profit by allowing others to make a skilled workers wage for an unskilled job..... Sounds legit.
What does the average franchisee make in profit yearly?


Well-Known Member
I've come to the conclusion there are two types here. Those who have made their way/making their way though life, and those who want to bitch about why they suck so bad at life in the form of blaming everyone else for their own shortcomings.
I make low 6 figures so that's not true in my case. Some of us actually care about our fellow man. Weird right?


Well-Known Member
Holy shit right?!
Welcome to the republican retard party... where nothing makes any sense because no one is held accountable for it.
I'm pretty sure we here in the US have one of the worlds highest corporate tax rates. Maybe 3rd in the world or something like that. There's a lot of grief on here all the time about evil corps, and they are often to blame, but we already tax the living shit outta them. Haven't looked it up but Chad and some other country are the only ones who tax corps higher than us.


Well-Known Member
I side with those who work skilled jobs that dont make tons of money.

I think McDonald's food is garbage, and they clearly dont give a fuck about anything but money.... BUT... they have that right.

The fact is, unskilled jobs will make less than skilled jobs. If companies are forced to pay more for labor, they will find ways to cut costs.

Look at grocery stores.... SELF CHECKOUT? Now 1 cashier can manage 6 registers. That saves alot of money. Nobody complaining about that so why are they bitching about McDonald's?

@UncleBuck if you move to PA ill hire you. I dont discriminate against anyone, not even liberals.
How about drunken lay-abouts?