Soldiers Co Op Outdoor thread

sulfur burned today. This is my big gun to hopefully eradicate all traces of PM indoors before going into flower next. here's some pics. I am thinking a few plants will go into 10 gallons for flower. Already been in those 5 gallons for a few weeks.

nice blumat system ! it working alright for ya ?
I broke a few carrots in the move. So it isn't quite up and,running. I hAve used it before though. Makes life much simpler that's for sure.
ur garden looks amazing. Those are some real monsters you have. and you have shaped that cheese very nice and round , awesome pruning skills. ARe you still in Botany school? im glad you like that Dog and that it makes you feel gooooooood.
Peace Soldier
I fucked off this summer term, so have to retake some general ed stuff this fall term and a get a prereq done. Didn't get everything I need done to take the Fall start only line up of the Sophmore series of botany, so this next term wont have any botany classes sadly. Have to take a math class, a sustainability class, nutrition, and if I can will myself to, prob should get another history class done.
Nutrition sounds fairly interesting .
And what happened with you at the ER the other night?

I been having chest tightness, dizziness, and my fitbit has been showing my resting heart rate consistently really high. About a month and a half ago I passed out in the garden, came to with the misses parents dog licking me. I am stubborn, and currently dont have a primary care doctor, so hadn't gone in. The misses pretty much put my ass in the car and took me to ER wouldn't take no for an answer. I have to get a heart alert monitor, and they want to get me back on anti anxiety meds. I am fine, just running full speed all the time, and it burns me out. Gotta learn to rest, and take more breaks.
Im saddened to hear about your health issues . I hope that they are not too serious.
Im glad your doing ok and and that you have have someone that loves you to take care of you.
a lot of what you describe sound very similar to my co workers wife problems.
She is going for a cardiac ablation in a couple weeks.
why don't the weed help you rest and take more breaks?
I have such a fucked tolerance, it doesn't seem to sedate me much, and what does, not for long. That and I am just someone that's always been raised and then the military as well, you do the job and you get it done. Soldier on. hard to break. I have a lot of my dad in me, much as i hate to admit it, I have a very hard time relaxing and unwinding.
Hung out with Dr.d81 today, put up some framing at his indoor grow, and smoked some doobies, came back and did some light sealing on the door frame on my new grow room, and I got the digital ballast mounted ooutside the grow room, and the other 2 ballasts out of the room. I routed the cords, tidyed up, and got the blumats working on the plants I have carrots for. Gonna be able to flip the room here shortly, just gonna be 2600 watts the first run, but come October 6th, when I get my student aid check, gonna get my other 1k watt ballast repaired, buy 2 hoods, and a room controller, light flip box, and a nice co2 controller.