...another victim

Went to check on the girls this morning and they were all cut down. The area is a very low traffic state nature preserve and I've grown there previously with success. I visit once every other week and like today I normally go there before sun rise. I'm always conscientious about leaving a trail and do not leave nute bottles or any other trash behind. I grow alone and haven't told anyone. So anywayI noticed a few weeks ago, around the area where I enter the garden that a patch of wild roses and had been hacked down. When I noticed this, of course it raised a red flag, but it didn't appear that anyone had spotted the plants,as there was no beaten path leading to them, so it was business as usual. I went to check last week but couldn't go in the morning that day so it was late afternoon and as soon as I entered my area I saw a DNR truck drive down the trail. It spooked me so I left w/o feeding or checking on the plants. The officer did not see me exiting the area, as he was further up the trail and out of site. So I go back this morning to do the feeding routine and spray and as I entered I see my worst nightmare..a beaten down path and my plants cut down. I don't believe they were ripped because they had at least another 5 or 6 weeks to go. So I guess my question is does DNR go looking for plants in places like this or is it more likely some nosey buzz kill wandered into them and tipped them off?


Well-Known Member
If dnr is like the warden service than yes. Game wardens will hunt plants ifnthey havebreason to believe they are there and worth finding especially in a state park or something.
Lots of times they'll leave them and monitor with a game camera...
Find comfort in knowing things could be worse lol
Well I'm glad I decided to bolt the day I saw them because my first thought was to hunker down cuz I was in full camo. I just had a bad feeling about it. After culling off the males I only had 17 plants in the ground but a couple were monsters.


Active Member
I didnt notice at first read that you had them in a State reserve
I see your theory..but man that's playing with Fire...that second pic those plants stick out like 2 thumbs...maybe ray charles reported it? Hahaaaaa
I didnt notice at first read that you had them in a State reserve
I see your theory..but man that's playing with Fire...that second pic those plants stick out like 2 thumbs...maybe ray charles reported it? Hahaaaaa
Lol! Yea maybe next time I should try a little LST. I also should mention that the plants were in a flood plain between the trail and a creek and I've been back there a couple times this summer and heard people walking the creek with their dogs. I dunno ..looking back I should prob'ly consider myself lucky to have pulled a harvest from there at all because this definitely is bad place to plant considering that there are people around. Not a lot of people but I guess it only takes one to fuck your world up.


Well-Known Member
Went to check on the girls this morning and they were all cut down. The area is a very low traffic state nature preserve and I've grown there previously with success. I visit once every other week and like today I normally go there before sun rise. I'm always conscientious about leaving a trail and do not leave nute bottles or any other trash behind. I grow alone and haven't told anyone. So anywayI noticed a few weeks ago, around the area where I enter the garden that a patch of wild roses and had been hacked down. When I noticed this, of course it raised a red flag, but it didn't appear that anyone had spotted the plants,as there was no beaten path leading to them, so it was business as usual. I went to check last week but couldn't go in the morning that day so it was late afternoon and as soon as I entered my area I saw a DNR truck drive down the trail. It spooked me so I left w/o feeding or checking on the plants. The officer did not see me exiting the area, as he was further up the trail and out of site. So I go back this morning to do the feeding routine and spray and as I entered I see my worst nightmare..a beaten down path and my plants cut down. I don't believe they were ripped because they had at least another 5 or 6 weeks to go. So I guess my question is does DNR go looking for plants in places like this or is it more likely some nosey buzz kill wandered into them and tipped them off?

Had an 80+ ton dozer get mine three or four years ago,...I don`t think the road crew even knew what they did to me, the thing was moving the whole swamp area. It sucks, but I also had one of five places one year cut. It was State police dogs that found them,..... The one year I did a little something suntin,...I lost it all.
This is the time of the season that dogs will be released to heavy growth areas, they are very efficient.

In all my years, I have no solution for trained dogs.
Had an 80+ ton dozer get mine three or four years ago,...I don`t think the road crew even knew what they did to me, the thing was moving the whole swamp area. It sucks, but I also had one of five places one year cut. It was State police dogs that found them,..... The one year I did a little something suntin,...I lost it all.
This is the time of the season that dogs will be released to heavy growth areas, they are very efficient.

In all my years, I have no solution for trained dogs.
Wow that's scary. The only thing that makes,you feel better about losing plants is that at least ya didn't get caught with them.


Well-Known Member
Wow that's scary. The only thing that makes,you feel better about losing plants is that at least ya didn't get caught with them.

Exactly, that`s why I don`t think the crew even knew. I walked away after not being capable of hurting the dozer with boulders (throwing out of anger) thinking it could have been much worse.

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
Its all about planting in a area where plants will have Camouflage
I have walked into out door grows where stomach drops as everything is chopped if it was LEO then you would have yellow ribbon marking the area .. they will not chop then put up a camera hoping to catch the culprit they wlll just chop n move on to next crop or citizens phone call
99 percent of the time its called in by property owner or someone stumbling on your grow
Even if they catch you in the area its hard to nail you for it so they do not really care they did there job by chopping it thats it thats all


Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
That`ll get by a dogs eyes but not his nose..............
about month ago i was visited by drugs crime unit they were aware of my out door grow how??? i do not know they stated concerned neighbor which i think is BS may be chopper as i seen them around lots
they chopped 3 plants i didn't get charged but they also did not see that one :) So as the story goes Hurry the hell up n finish :)