If anyone really did find Bigfoot don't you think they would get descent pix and top researchers to study him and record it. Not to mention release as much proof as possible instead of holding back. Why is it when ever someone sees a UFO, or catches Bigfoot, or a picture of the Loch Ness Monster, or even has a dead Chupacbra, all evidence is either too blurry to make out or tampered with?
I like a good urban legends just as much as the next guy, and am even guilty of wanting to believe in them. But facts are facts, and stories are...well just that Stories. Now I'm not saying you can't go out and pursue these legends if you do so choose to. Go ahead and do all the research you want, devote your life to it. Who knows you just might be the one to get that one indisputable piece of whatever. But please don't go and feed some bullshit just because you want your five minutes of fame. Pisses me off!
Sorry about that. Got off on a bit of a rant there. I'm gonna go smoke a bowl and calm down.