Crazy fucking fire. (Lake County)


Well-Known Member
40,000+ acres since it started yesterday. It's ripping through neighborhoods. Cobb Mountain and Middletown are pretty much gone from what i hear. Tons of homes burning down. Its horrible. The wind was bad last night too. Gas stations is happening.


Well-Known Member
holy shit she's a bad one! my wife and kids moved to Anderson Springs last winter, right in between Cobb and Middletown - it didn't work out so she moved away. It seemed unfortunate at the time....
Good thing now that they moved. I don't know what Anderson springs looks like right now....I've done a lot of tree work in there. Beautiful area


Well-Known Member
holy shit she's a bad one! my wife and kids moved to Anderson Springs last winter, right in between Cobb and Middletown - it didn't work out so she moved away. It seemed unfortunate at the time....
you still in silverton??

Dan Drews

Well-Known Member
They showed on the news this morning that the burn area is over twice the size of San Francisco right now. My mother-in-law evacuated Saturday night from Hidden Valley Lake and based on the fire maps I've seen they probably lost their home. I keep telling them to keep a positive attitude because the burn area doesn't mean total devastation and some houses would have survived, but that was one of the worst fires the wildfire crews have ever seen, from zero to 40,000 acres in about 12 - 14 hours.

Easily hundreds, if not thousands of growers in that area who have probably lost everything. My heart goes out to all of you affected, there's a lot of concern they may find bodies when they get a chance to to go into the hundreds of burned out homes.

Dan Drews

Well-Known Member
Two seconds after the above post, I got a text that my mother-in-law's house is on a court where only 2 homes were lost. Thankfully her home is intact, but it will be a few days until she can get in there. I'm hoping to go up there with her to assess the damage, plus I feel the need to go help whomever I can. So many have lost so much up there.


Well-Known Member
They showed on the news this morning that the burn area is over twice the size of San Francisco right now. My mother-in-law evacuated Saturday night from Hidden Valley Lake and based on the fire maps I've seen they probably lost their home. I keep telling them to keep a positive attitude because the burn area doesn't mean total devastation and some houses would have survived, but that was one of the worst fires the wildfire crews have ever seen, from zero to 40,000 acres in about 12 - 14 hours.

Easily hundreds, if not thousands of growers in that area who have probably lost everything. My heart goes out to all of you affected, there's a lot of concern they may find bodies when they get a chance to to go into the hundreds of burned out homes.
This morning they estimated atleast 400+ homes burned down plus alot of other buildings and 1 casualty. There was a 70 year old lady who couldn't get out of her house and no one got to her in time..There's a lot of community support and a few scumbags trying to rip people off for what they have left..hopfully they get what they deserve


Well-Known Member
This morning they estimated atleast 400+ homes burned down plus alot of other buildings and 1 casualty. There was a 70 year old lady who couldn't get out of her house and no one got to her in time..There's a lot of community support and a few scumbags trying to rip people off for what they have left..hopfully they get what they deserve
The rippers will be out in force unfortunately. A couple of people that I no longer associate with LOVE this type of stuff. Karma always gets them though so they will get it in the end!


Well-Known Member
Damn fires everywhere, I think this year is going to be a bad one, its crazy bad already, we just damn near had our hardware store burned down an hour ago with a fire right in town. Scary times.12019852_10153095288232513_2254345178525550363_n.jpg


Well-Known Member
The rippers will be out in force unfortunately. A couple of people that I no longer associate with LOVE this type of stuff. Karma always gets them though so they will get it in the end!
Yeah I imagine there will be more thieves out trying to steal our backyard ganja, but there's people camping out at walmart parking lot and other evacuation centers and scumbags are stealing from people's vehicles and getting as much free shit as they can. I heard this morning a group was driving through Kelseyville with a mega phone saying "sheriff's department evacuate for the fire" just so they can loot your home after you leave

Dan Drews

Well-Known Member
I'm curious, are there any RIU members from the Lake County area we haven't heard from since Saturday night/Sunday? There's still about 19,000 people who have been evacuated who won't know for a few more days if their homes are still standing, much less if their gardens are still intact. There's still concern there may be many more victims that couldn't get out in time, or who chose to stay behind to try to protect their homes. I've seen a lot of fires in California in my lifetime, but this one has been truly historic for it's speed of destruction. My deepest sympathies to all affected.


No, I moved back to the good old state of Jefferson. I got one leg in southern Oregon and the other in norcal. I haven't figured out how to change my location on my avatar yet....
High. I am in the State of Jeff. My gals have been in the ground since the 1st week of DEC. last year and I am hoping for full moon harvest 'round thanksgiving. Last ngiht was 21 degrees and they did OK and though the trichomes are advancing it is very, very slowly. Would this change optimum harvest time? They are under 3.5 mil plastic with 1,000 watts and a 600 in a 12X35 ' box 3' deep raised by 16 inches of 2X10s. Hope you are in this weekend. THANKS.

May I add total soil depth (then) is alittle over 4 feet. Using Shasta Forest Product's recommended "Shasta Blend" with egg shells and a little mahogany ash. Watered with st ored rainwater and a little Grandma's last night. First water since Nov. 4th 'cause it's been so wet and humid. I think it helped a lot keeping them warm as it as TWENTY-(focking)-ONE last night.


The rippers will be out in force unfortunately. A couple of people that I no longer associate with LOVE this type of stuff. Karma always gets them though so they will get it in the end!
Black or white those rippers make you so dang angry. Trash. I love to catch them but most get away with a little before I get my gun out or the dog gets 'em.