Loompa farms

That sucks brutha Joe. Was that the only one you ran light dep? Me I kept getting great males so I stepped back from that strain once I finally found a full on TK pheno with Black Triangle and got a full on Hell's Angel Og pheno from Frisco Og. So I am covered Og wise.
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That sucks brutha Joe. Was that the only one you ran light dep? Me I kept getting great males so I stepped back from that strain once I finally found a full on TK pheno with Black Triangle and got a full on pheno from Frisco Og. So I am covered Og wise.

yea i am kinda pissed about the smell thing but whatever ... ALOT of just "ok" weed ... but the rest of the dep looks awsome .
you got me sold on the black triangle . gonna order up a pack an delve into that ...
That sucks about the smell my man. The males I have gotten in the Foo Dog f3 had pronounced primary smell of vintage Wilson tennis ball can freshly opened. Nice if you decide to get the BT and good luck with it.
I think this was a good thread. I have been buying seeds for more than 20 years now and I have always seen the guys who demand more than $10 dollars a seed as simple profiteers. I don't care what you say about how many lines and generations you have been "working" the line for, you are still overcharging for that work if you are asking more than $10 a seed IMO. AND THIS THREAD CALLED LOOMPA OUT ON IT AND I THANK YOU ALL FOR IT (even though I had to read thump's words a couple of times to know what he was saying) :)_~
ya OG JOHNY after a drink or two the guy seamed to be very humble and i asked about lumpa?? he sead a person acted like lumpa and sold him some seeds, he sead it wasnt Lumpa, he told me lumpa looks like a farmer dude not like the dude he met he also sead he ran into him at the chalice cup and nothing was sead??? he told me he just trying to get his genetics back and get back on the ball he just got out, he showed me the oboma crosses that he wants but i told him about clone ville and the way i traded calvin the dude who has the cloneville in seatle and in los angles i gifted him the oboma but its not the real thing yet its still an elite the master platnuim og he might be refrencing the hunt for this gem is real thats what i have been negotiating with another person, but this cross is crossed with fire og insta gram i dont do it but thats what was on his mind, after a few beer you know i relapsed today best day ever to relapse so we sat and talked about colaborating he will be looking for this i told him about roll it up he is on insta gram but the lumpa beef to him is far fetched and nothing was sead at the chalice??? so scratch that.. any how i have about fifty male at a friends house i dont grow anymore but he took over the lines pogenetix is intrested and so is calivin in a colab the bad part is im burnt out... Johnny og is fresh ready that time will do alot to a person fresh thoughts fresh heart!!!!!!!!! i wish him luck pritty cool dude i thought and imagined an ego out of control but just totaly opisite and that kinda dude ill root for till the end im always for the underdog he has been thier from the begining he also sead he ran into my stuff and he named the strain put a smile on my face cool ass dude i hope he gets back on the horse and does it again!!!!what triped me out i heard other things but i wont say cuz i didnt hear it from the dude but man i totally thought a hole other person funny it is when you meet someone not what you pictured. Non the less ill be gifting my pollen no problem!!!!!!
all i ever knew about loompa was he was in arcata cali with some cat named om pah pah, now this om pah pah guy is something else i tell ya! He is like weeds on a rockface waiting for the scythe!