Open Show and Tell 2015!

did u have any hermaphrodite problems w ur critical...
Not last year, that I remember.. But last year they grew ALOT differently! They were fatter and taller.

This year(knock wood) Ive not seen any nanners or sacks under ANY buds. I admit, them being guerrilla grown, I dont often get the chance to check them out very thoroughly.
We gotta be in and out.
Not last year, that I remember.. But last year they grew ALOT differently! They were fatter and taller.

This year(knock wood) Ive not seen any nanners or sacks under ANY buds. I admit, them being guerrilla grown, I dont often get the chance to check them out very thoroughly.
We gotta be in and out.
Critical hog did great for me last year..real productive and smelled like fruit punch. I did have a problem with botrytis though(they are so dense)
Critical hog did great for me last year..real productive and smelled like fruit punch. I did have a problem with botrytis though(they are so dense)
I fought it off pretty well, last year. Right at the end, they started getting alot of grey mold in the inners on my lower branches. By the time it got bad, we were seeing milky with a few ambers. They were there. :)
" pic o the day"

You could hang this pic in the office, bathroom, conference room.. lol

Raining like crazy this morning in Riverside County. We need the water... But my ladies are getting beat up and soaked. My lemon kushes are a few weeks from done, and getting heavy. I really hope this doesnt make everything too moist, its been so dry and then RAIN! Hopefully I wont have mold issues. :/
Raining like crazy this morning in Riverside County. We need the water... But my ladies are getting beat up and soaked. My lemon kushes are a few weeks from done, and getting heavy. I really hope this doesnt make everything too moist, its been so dry and then RAIN! Hopefully I wont have mold issues. :/
Yea we are going to get it tomorrow. I am lucky i will close mine up and turn the fans a dehumidifiers up.
And i think my garden is fucked. I didnt support my plants well enough, they are weighed down and wind blown. Broken tops and limbs. And the rain just keeps coming. Super bummer. Im expecting the worst.
Yeah "southern BC is expected to have the hot dry drought weather last until October " they said... . They were so wrong. Lucky I have a gazebo to move the girls into at night and when the rain comes. It's becoming a pain in the ass but I think it's helped stave off mold. I'm still learning so much every year.

I think if I pruned enough off of the two I chopped a week and a half ago, created a little more airflow, and was more dilegent about getting them under cover I wouldn't have had to chop early.

Here's the two random bad seeds that are left