Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Why not a Wacky Socialist vs a Wacky Business Dude.
Can't be any worse than the Ball Club guy or Nutty Professor.
It'll be a grand social experiment. I'm actually looking forward to it.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
i'm really looking forward to wednesday night's debate. should be fun watching the other candidates trying to rattle donald.


Well-Known Member
Why not a Wacky Socialist vs a Wacky Business Dude.
Can't be any worse than the Ball Club guy or Nutty Professor.
It'll be a grand social experiment. I'm actually looking forward to it.
Except our country and way if life It's in the line


Well-Known Member
i'm really looking forward to wednesday night's debate. should be fun watching the other candidates trying to rattle donald.
I'm sure it'll be like the first one, where it all starts out fine and dandy and ends up with trump saying shit he'll later have to defend. Something about women being fat or stinky cunts or something. I'll laugh my ass off but I'll be super surprised if he busts out some plans or anything actually related to being president lol.


Well-Known Member
Except our country and way if life It's in the line
I don't mean any disrespect, but if you've been paying attention it's been on the line for a while. I suspect we'd disagree about the problems so I won't bother to comment.

Besides, I want to see Trump make some "fabulous" deals.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
Trump & Carson are shiny new toys conservatives can play around with but when the primaries roll around they'll vote for a polititian you'll see.

I watched his speech tonight, all that he has coming out his mouth is crap. Can't wait for wednesday night they are coming after him and he will fold like a cheap suit, he has a glass chin and can't take whats coming to him!


Well-Known Member
Trump & Carson are shiny new toys conservatives can play around with but when the primaries roll around they'll vote for a polititian you'll see.

I watched his speech tonight, all that he has coming out his mouth is crap. Can't wait for wednesday night they are coming after him and he will fold like a cheap suit, he has a glass chin and can't take whats coming to him!
What do you think are some of the tactics we'll see in the next debates against Trump?

Is it the same sort of forum with the same 3 mediators?

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
What do you think are some of the tactics we'll see in the next debates against Trump?

Is it the same sort of forum with the same 3 mediators?
Same setup as the first debate you have an undercard followed by the main event but with a twist, there will be 11 on stage not the 10 FOX had, CNN is doing it at the Reagan library. They have their own folks modarating.

Someone has to step up now and rattle Trumps cage, might be Jeb, Carson already said thats not his game. You will see Trump wilt if that happens he's too thin skinned.

The GOP cant let him control the agenda all the way to the primaries, they gotta turn this ship around now he's upside down with Hispanic voters 70% hate him, i should know I'm Hispanic, i watch Telemundo he's dead to voting Hispanics in this Country especially after kicking Jorge Ramos out of his press conference, I know he let him back in later on but the optics of him doing that kills any chance with the largest growing demographic in this country.

The GOP cannot win the White House if they can't win the Hispanic vote plain and simple, I can't stand the man.

My parents and their freinds can't stand the man and almost every Hispanic I know so I really think that 70% might be lowballing it.

Hispanics love Jeb down in Florida i dk if that translate to Hispanic support accross this land. I don't support him.


Well-Known Member
Same setup as the first debate you have an undercard followed by the main event but with a twist, there will be 11 on stage not the 10 FOX had, CNN is doing it at the Reagan library. They have their own folks modarating.

Someone has to step up now and rattle Trumps cage, might be Jeb, Carson already said thats not his game. You will see Trump wilt if that happens he's too thin skinned.

The GOP cant let him control the agenda all the way to the primaries, they gotta turn this ship around now he's upside down with Hispanic voters 70% hate him, i should know I'm Hispanic, i watch Telemundo he's dead to voting Hispanics in this Country especially after kicking Jorge Ramos out of his press conference, I know he let him back in later on but the optics of him doing that kills any chance with the largest growing demographic in this country.

The GOP cannot win the White House if they can't win the Hispanic vote plain and simple, I can't stand the man.

My parents and their freinds can't stand the man and almost every Hispanic I know so I really think that 70% might be lowballing it.

Hispanics love Jeb down in Florida i dk if that translate to Hispanic support accross this land. I don't support him.

Curious how you explain the other 30% that like him?
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