Donald Trump

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^^^ typical, Libtard response. I knew you weren't man enough @UncleBuck.
Proof positive @UncleBuck is all talk, and no honor.

@UncleBuck >>> Hillary would like for you to send her your next paycheck. Donations have been slim at The Clinton Foundation since Donald J. Trump kicked her ass in the election. She needs to buy another unsecure server for her basement, and a few blackberries. ;)

Now retreat to your safe space @UncleBuck and try not to drown in your Liberal Tears on Jan 20th.
^^^ typical, Libtard response. I knew you weren't man enough @UncleBuck.
Proof positive @UncleBuck is all talk, and no honor.

@UncleBuck >>> Hillary would like for you to send her your next paycheck. Donations have been slim at The Clinton Foundation since Donald J. Trump kicked her ass in the election. She needs to buy another unsecure server for her basement, and a few blackberries. ;)

Now retreat to your safe space @UncleBuck and try not to drown in your Liberal Tears on Jan 20th.

so in other words, we never had a bet. thanks.

also, how are the donations to the trump foundation lately? isn't he trying to close it down, but can;t because of the ongoing criminal investigation?

oh, and let me know when mexico will pay for the wall, you racist rodent.

@UncleBuck loves this pic ^^^^ I bet he chokes his tiny liberal penis to it and dreams of it being Yuge when he grows up. Oh silly @UncleBuck you talked major shit, and now Trump beat your girl Hillary like she was a red headed step-child. She spent 1.2 Billion and lost, lol . That's too rich.

Now run along, warm milk and cookies in your safe space. Maybe mommy washed your favorite blanket to. #MAGA deport @UncleBuck
Trump beat your girl Hillary like she was a red headed step-child.

@UncleBuck loves this pic ^^^^ I bet he chokes his tiny liberal penis to it and dreams of it being Yuge when he grows up. Oh silly @UncleBuck you talked major shit, and now Trump beat your girl Hillary like she was a red headed step-child. She spent 1.2 Billion and lost, lol . That's too rich.

Now run along, warm milk and cookies in your safe space. Maybe mommy washed your favorite blanket to. #MAGA deport @UncleBuck
If losing the vote and taking the Presidency because they didn't want to lose farmland states in the 1800's is winning...

Democracy, fuck yeah!
Just finished watching the movie Dead Zone again. It is really creepy how much the character that Martin Sheen played reminds me of Trump. Just wish we had the same happy ending that the movie had and Trump blows his own brains out.
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