Hello guys im in 3 weeks flowering


Well-Known Member
20150916_173732.jpg 20150916_173743.jpg 20150916_173732.jpg mine are 23w 1650 lumens (100w replacement) <- dont mean shit look for the true watts like the other guy said mine are 100w replacements ) i use 4 or 5 per rigg...im pretty sure u get 4 in a pack for $12.00 for the 2700k,
1 lamp kit from walmart (the multi plug power cord isle ) $7.99
home depot or lowes for the 1-to-2 lightbulb socket splitters stand mog size $2.42 each
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Well-Known Member
thats the kind of rig u want if your running regular cfls but it gets explensive when u can get a air cooled 600 watt mh/hps for around $200.00 and get better yeilds EDIT:and run more plants of course u wouldnt need 600w for one plant lol
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Well-Known Member
im a noob myself so might wanna wait for someone else to chime in ..... this is my 3rd cfl grow ... im running 2x250w 1x100w and 4x75w i keep my smaller cfls around 3-5 inches away i keep my bigger ones about 6-8 inches away here is my room now how ever ur farther in to flower then me i just switched to 12 12 on sunday ... i only run 2700k in flowering i run 6500k in veg.... i dont mix my lights.... if u put ur hand between the light and plant and its too hot for u its too hot for it.... also do u have any air blowing thru there?View attachment 3501201View attachment 3501203 not sure why the lighting looks different in the 2 pics must be the flash but they are all 2700k lights
That's what it should look like


Well-Known Member
for flowering one plant id recomend 2 of the 5 light rigs like the one in my pic and maybe the two u bulbs u aready have u use for lower foliage one on each side
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mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Bro your plants look very healthy and looks like a great yield is waiting for you, but for me i think im going to get an ounce or less this is my first grow ever i didnt even expect to reach this far, looks like a fail though
You will be lucky to get a quarter.... With those LEDs you will be lucky to get an eight.


Well-Known Member
im a noob myself so might wanna wait for someone else to chime in ..... this is my 3rd cfl grow ... im running 2x250w 1x100w and 4x75w i keep my smaller cfls around 3-5 inches away i keep my bigger ones about 6-8 inches away here is my room now how ever ur farther in to flower then me i just switched to 12 12 on sunday ... i only run 2700k in flowering i run 6500k in veg.... i dont mix my lights.... if u put ur hand between the light and plant and its too hot for u its too hot for it.... also do u have any air blowing thru there?View attachment 3501201View attachment 3501203 not sure why the lighting looks different in the 2 pics must be the flash but they are all 2700k lights
im shooting for an ounce out of my smallest plant u can only see the tip of it in my first set of pictures its one week of veg then flipped , the middle plant im hoping 1 1/2 + ounces and the last plant (i call her big beautiful but she is actually buzz light gear) i vegged for three weeks am hoping for 3 ounces (the return of my investment-to be re-invested in a 600w hps )


Well-Known Member
im still vegging 5 more just giving them a lil extra they are about 2 weeks ill flip three of them in a week then one in 2 weeks and keep one in vegg maybe for 5-6 weeks at 24hr light..... i should either maxx out growth or have a monster to big for my room i guess we will see


Active Member
My setup now i put 2 80w white cfls and 2 yellow cfls 40w but the thing is i read that flowering plants like more red spectrum than white but in my case i have more white, is that okay?
I'm still new to grows myself. I'm not sure if Yellow CFL's are really usable light for flowering, or even for the plant for that matter but i can tell you that im using 2 68W, 2700K, 4200 Lumen CFL bulbs from Home Depot for flowering and it seems to be doing ok. Im using the 10.5 in Diameter Light reflectors from Home Depot too. I posted my Grow under a new topic, and i know i had a def.. it's currently being corrected. Also, I'm on Week 5 of flowering, so I can't tell if these are good or not..



Well-Known Member
looking good how many weeks of flower does ur strain call for? the last few weeks is when ull really pack on the weight.... also why did u cut ur fan leaves in half i heard of this for cloning but didnt no there was a techniq for flowering like this too


Well-Known Member
personalyy i think 2 more of those lights would give u a much bigger yeild, 250 watts of ohhhh yeaaahhhh


Well-Known Member
anyways btw its normal to have yellowing in final stages of flower as all of ur nutrients and energy is going into bud production


Active Member
looking good how many weeks of flower does ur strain call for? the last few weeks is when ull really pack on the weight.... also why did u cut ur fan leaves in half i heard of this for cloning but didnt no there was a techniq for flowering like this too
daloud, if your referring to me, it was becasue my def was killing those parts of the leaves... so for me it was not intentional. although i did read something once that the cut tipped fan leaves during flowering are suppose to increase the trich production to make a more potent. This is supposedly an experimental technique by Mr. Greenman, check this site on the last paragraph. ---> http://www.greenmanspage.com/yield.html

and as for the time for flower... in not entirely sure as this was a seed handed to me by a veteran grower in my area who has done this for a living for years.


Well-Known Member
might wanna check with him to get a bisic idea of time , thanks for the read, ill check it out i love experiments !!!!!! guess thats why i didnt see the deficiency u cutt it off lol

hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
I got 4 from these are they any good?
Where u get those cus them crib lights.. you need lights thats gonna mimic the sun and the blue and white spectrums. The best place to get those is from a pet store also the reps can explain to you why one would benefit you vs another and still not be ovious that your growing. The reptile section has good ones also the fish section does too.
But yeha u need lights to mimic uv spectrum! bongsmilie You can tank me later noob...


Well-Known Member
lol thank u for what bones telling him he needs blue spectrum for flower lol ... yea hell thank u with a shitty yeild....


it doesn't matter their equivalence, what matters is the true watts. you'd be much better off with 4 of the 40watt cfls, those led's aren't going to do anything.
View attachment 3501398 View attachment 3501399 View attachment 3501397 mine are 23w 1650 lumens (100w replacement) <- dont mean shit look for the true watts like the other guy said mine are 100w replacements ) i use 4 or 5 per rigg...im pretty sure u get 4 in a pack for $12.00 for the 2700k,
1 lamp kit from walmart (the multi plug power cord isle ) $7.99
home depot or lowes for the 1-to-2 lightbulb socket splitters stand mog size $2.42 each
tell me if you think this is a good idea, how about i just use all the lights i have which are, 2 80 watts cfls 6500k and 2 40watts cfls yellow light 2700k and 4 led 10watt warm white does this sound good?


Well-Known Member
This is my plant afghan kush that picture is just a bud of the whole plant and i wanna know how long will it need to finish from flowering its in week3 and there is no smell but i can see the trichomes please help and please any tips would be very useful and appreciated.
That cfl seems dim. something is wrong with the setup. My cfls are so bright you can hardy look at them. I don;t grow pot with them though. I have 10 volt led that is as bright as a 60w Ten bucks a bulb but the plants can touch them. You might be getting too much draw or something. I think it should be brighter. growing pot is kind of a get what you pay for game. How do you know its kush?


Well-Known Member
6500k is the wrong light for flower but may work out for vegging new plant... u could try the 2 40w with the leds but results arent gonna be that great as u only have 120w , like i said man u are better off buying a box of 2700k cfls and building this rig. then adding ur 2 40w lights that would put u around 200w...take the leds back 20150916_173743.jpg