Minimum wage leading to touchscreens replacing cashiers?

I went to burger king tonight.
The bill was $5.59
I only had a 10. some ones and change.
Gave the girl 11.60 expecting to get $5.01 back.
She had to call some guy over to help.
He told me I gave them too much and returned my dollar and .60 cents
and made change for the ten.
I just agreed.

That is why these people work minimum wage jobs.

These types are fucked if it doesn't tell them on their little screen what to give you. I've paid with a 10 before, and watched the cashier mess up and add another zero, and then proceed to try and give me an additional 90 bucks in change, because the screen said to.

I bet not. If the demand is there for your product you'll increase prices like any smart businessman. Eventually inflation will kick in and then here we go again.....


Demand might go up a bit, but most crews probably wont get the same raise my crew will. If min goes up 7.75 i feel my crew deserving the same raise... Id need to raise my prices to make up for the labor cost, while others will stay the same at least for a little while.

I also refuse to charge outrageous prices. My whole buisness operates being one of the cheapest professional crews in the area, i have a thin profit margin but my guys work incredibly fast and i make money because we get lots of jobs done in short periods of time. Currently i pay myself 350 a week. (We use my wifes income to live off) The rest of the profit sits in the bank or goes into the buisness. I take a bonus around the holidays when the slow season starts. The way i see it is that by taking less pay i make my buisness more valuable. Having no debt and a nice sized bank account makes a company run smooth. Pretty soon i might buy a peice of land to use to store materials.
Demand might go up a bit, but most crews probably wont get the same raise my crew will. If min goes up 7.75 i feel my crew deserving the same raise... Id need to raise my prices to make up for the labor cost, while others will stay the same at least for a little while.
Have I not pointed out to you before that your competition ALSO has to deal with these issues?
Why do they succeed where you fail?
Or are you starting to realize the situation better?
Have I not pointed out to you before that your competition ALSO has to deal with these issues?
Why do they succeed where you fail?
Or are you starting to realize the situation better?

Most of my competition pays there employees less than me. Most of them also wouldn't give all of there employees raises if they made above whatever the new minimum.
This will be a problem for me more than them because im not a greedy fuck, and refuse to allow my crew to work for practically the same wage they could make washing dishes..
Most of my competition pays there employees less than me. Most of them also wouldn't give all of there employees raises if they made above whatever the new minimum.
This will be a problem for me more than them because im not a greedy fuck, and refuse to allow my crew to work for practically the same wage they could make washing dishes..

This makes no sense. Let me see if I can apply some algebra here:
You pay X
your competition pays Y
X > Y from what you say
Now...You are concerned that X =~15, which means your competition is going to be FUCKED. How in the hell is that bad for you? Those other bozos are going to drop like flies in cyanide gas, leaving MORE contracts for you to pick up because you can manage under the new paradigm, ceteris paribus. This means you'll be able to be more selective in your contracts, and likely be able to charge MORE because of it since there will clearly be a supply and demand issue.

Don't waste your time worrying about that. Focus on bagging larger contracts. Do you know anyone in larger construction outfits? Has your little name made it on larger tongues, yet? Maybe it's time for you to go mingle? Larger Co's used to swing contracts my way because they didn't have the volume which would allow them to maintain a dedicated steel crew. What can you do that the big Co's can't?
3Bedroom apartment in my area 600 a month, utilities 150 a month combined average, food, 500 a month, that leaves enough left for misc. things like car insurance, med insurance, and so on.....

a 3 bedroom here in denver runs about $2,000 a month.

you are a naive little child who lies constantly on the internet, gets caught lying, blames the person who catches him lying (instead of blaming yourself for lying), has a hssy fit, and cries.

it really is hilarious.

but back to what i was saying: what you call a "comfortable living" for a family of three is actually the poverty line. that is a fact.

go cry some more now, craigslist contractor.
Yeah, those are reeeaaallll necessities. How did we ever survive without those possessions and services?

Employers now have to fund your entertainment, communication and transportation desires because a bunch of liberal asshats and their cronies in the MSM started calling them "basic rights?"

Go sell crazy somewhere else, we're all stocked up here.

try finding a job without internet, cell phone, or a car.

good luck, dumb dumb.
Not where I live and it depends on how much you put down, interest rate, etc. I built a custom built home at 5% cost plus, very heavy random cut natural hill country stone exterior, exotic woods like Jatoba, Spanish cedar, mahogony cabinets, red oak, top tier counters, Trane variable speed heat pump, ceramic tile flooring, every kind of energy tweek you can name, low e double paned windows, walk in shower with no doors.... has a built in tiled seat, walls, etc. Kitchen is what I call "gourmet" with large, wide pullout drawers to hold pots and pans, etc. so we don't have to stoop to look back in some nook and cranny, big granite wrap around counters, tiled backsplash.

Sounds like someone needs to move or buy a house for their first time to see what it's all about. :hump:

you forgot to mention the shitty old carpet and the complete lack of a driveway.

also, i have a lower interest rate on my home than you do.
My whole buisness operates being one of the cheapest professional crews in the area, i have a thin profit margin but my guys work incredibly fast and i make money because we get lots of jobs done in short periods of time.

sounds like your classic shoddy, shitty, craigslist CRAPenter.

This makes no sense. Let me see if I can apply some algebra here:
You pay X
your competition pays Y
X > Y from what you say
Now...You are concerned that X =~15, which means your competition is going to be FUCKED. How in the hell is that bad for you? Those other bozos are going to drop like flies in cyanide gas, leaving MORE contracts for you to pick up because you can manage under the new paradigm, ceteris paribus. This means you'll be able to be more selective in your contracts, and likely be able to charge MORE because of it since there will clearly be a supply and demand issue.

Don't waste your time worrying about that. Focus on bagging larger contracts. Do you know anyone in larger construction outfits? Has your little name made it on larger tongues, yet? Maybe it's time for you to go mingle? Larger Co's used to swing contracts my way because they didn't have the volume which would allow them to maintain a dedicated steel crew. What can you do that the big Co's can't?

Not sure if you read all my posts, but im not in this to make a million bucks, i like being a small fish. I like the personal relationship with clients, and i like that most of my clients are repeats and will always come back.

And here is an example of why its worrisome. Im just pulling the numbers out of my ass though.

Wages range from 12.00-18.00 without overtime

My total labor to build deck now =1500

Competition = 1000

Wages range from 10-20 (vast majority between 10-15)

After wage increases i give my crew a wage increase to reflect the fact that they deserve more than min wage.

My wages 19.75 - 25.75

The competitor wages 15-20 (most at 15)

Now figure in that a couple guys on my crew work nearly 80 hours a week, quite often....

My cost of labor to build deck, (including a small amount added per job to cover overtime) after. 2,500ish

Competition- 1,500ish

Most of the contractors in direct competition with me, rarely will allow overtime. They use larger crews, usually they arent even working weekends unless its a big contract that requires it, or something time sensitive.

All of our costs will rise, but by treating my employees right, i am yet
sounds like your classic shoddy, shitty, craigslist CRAPenter.

No, sounds like someone who does lots of quality work at great prices and pays his crew well....
a 3 bedroom here in denver runs about $2,000 a month.

you are a naive little child who lies constantly on the internet, gets caught lying, blames the person who catches him lying (instead of blaming yourself for lying), has a hssy fit, and cries.

it really is hilarious.

but back to what i was saying: what you call a "comfortable living" for a family of three is actually the poverty line. that is a fact.

go cry some more now, craigslist contractor.

Go look at rental prices in small towns in northeast PA.

And where did i lie? When i said i was 11 instead of 10 on 9/11? Oops.... It was a mistake.

Your Fucking retarded. How come the others with your veiws dont need to resort to blatantly bashing people in every post.

My family lives quite well off qhat i pay myself, and my wifes job as a cook in a diner where she jas worked since she was 14.

The poverty line isnt something you can draw in the sand. If someone lives within their means, 23,500 can support a family here. If both parents work, your even better off. Sorry you live in a higher cost of living area, sucks to be you. Dont like it you can move.
a couple guys on my crew work nearly 80 hours a week, quite often....

do you ever stop lying, changing your story, and so on?

No, sounds like someone who does lots of quality work at great prices and pays his crew well....

dude, stop acting like you're a contractor or even a carpenter. nothing you say can be believed. all you ever do is lie.

and you're kind racist as shit, too.

Go look at rental prices in small towns in northeast PA.

And where did i lie? When i said i was 11 instead of 10 on 9/11? Oops.... It was a mistake.

Your Fucking retarded. How come the others with your veiws dont need to resort to blatantly bashing people in every post.

My family lives quite well off qhat i pay myself, and my wifes job as a cook in a diner where she jas worked since she was 14.

The poverty line isnt something you can draw in the sand. If someone lives within their means, 23,500 can support a family here. If both parents work, your even better off. Sorry you live in a higher cost of living area, sucks to be you. Dont like it you can move.

don't have a meltdown, loser.
Some one please post the example McDonalds budget

i think i'll start calling it the McGrammar budget, in honor of our latest racist loser member.

I can't feel bad for someone who isn't working towards building a marketable skill... We are taught our whole lives that we can be anything we want. Its not hard to find a niche. I got felonys and no drivers license.... And im okay, because i worked for it. I lived through poverty, grew up raised by a single mother who worked 2 jobs until she met my stepdad when i was 9ish (i say 9ish because i may have been 8... Or 10... I dont remember, but UB will throw a fit again if im wrong about my age) we lived in the projects, and eventually my mom got a better job. First she needed skills, and unfortunately it took some hard work to get there.

She did what she had to do, and its no different now. Those of us who learn to be of use to society will do better. Those of us who choose to settle for a minimum wage job and not work to make ourselves more valuable to an employer are screwed.

The lesson here, is that skills are important. Without them, your fucked.

And Unclefuck, im not lying at all. You keep calling me a liar... But what did i lie about?