Reflective Mylar


Well-Known Member petty stuff. seems to me there is alot more important stuf to differ on than this. i dont think a couple of degrees of more or less reflectivity will make that much difference.
but wut dus i know i has no humor ither
You are so right. I am just an asshole...LOL.
I am at work...just trying to waste time until I get a client or some real work to do. I apologize for mucking up the forum with my BS.
Bottom line....I was told the elastomeric paint was 85% reflective. It is not.
Mylar is more reflective than elastomeric paint.
If you ever thought about putting wrapping paper up on you walls without creasing or crinkiling it, then you can hang mylar.
mylar-$17.95 for 50' roll. I can buy this before every grow if I want and install it in 30 minutes each room for my three 4x4x8 areas.
paint-$5 to $25 a gallon....takes 4 gallons to do my three rooms right and 4 hours of drying time. Can't do easily before each grow.
I pick mylar.
Sorry martian...I was just feeling the need to be a prick.
I digress......give me your address and I'll send you an apology nugget. LOL


Well-Known Member
i wasn`t calling you or the other guy asshole or anything of the like. i just notice that you both have some good knowledge and all of us know there are more important things for noobs to learn so why get into it. just thought it would be better if we leave the difference of opinion to the younger crowd they seem to enjoy fighting much better.
i think the best advice would be to get what ever your budjet allows for and what is easliest to aquire fot him.
like in my case mylar is rediculous priced in vancouver so i use black/white. best bang for my buck


Well-Known Member
You are so right bonz...rep to you. As I said, after the hydrohut killed my 15 lovelies....I can not stand shiny white plastic. I get mylar at ace hardware really cheap. Panda is more, but not terribly so. It looks easier to deal with and longer lasting. I may try it. Mylar is a bitch to hang seamlessly.
And I was calling myself an asshole.....LOL. I am. I know it. I have sold insurance for 18 years. No wonder.

The Martian

Active Member
Hello there Peeps.
Well Platypusmann, what a mature, intelligent, measured response.
Medical condition or not, I'd stop smoking if I were you, it seems you get all worked up, and don't know your own mind, you flip flop about 5 or 6 times in the last post, what is it, peace, or douchbag????
And I really didn't need it explaining again.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't I originally just ask a simple question, and then get jumped on by 3 people, all talking shite BTW.
Granted I had a small pop at you, in a humorous way, I even made sure I placed a smiley after it, to underline it was a joke, just incase you weren't too bright.
Why all the venom and vitriol???? Isn't it supposed to be me that takes it personal.
I'm sure any half reasonable, even half intelligent person can define what the score is, or is "bad math" only funny if its someone else?
You sure seem intent on learning and sharing though!!!!!!
PS, I haven't grown for a few years, and I'm certainly no expert, and have never purported to be, but I'm damn sure i could grow a few plants again, AND I have never grown to sell.

Toodle pip


Well-Known Member
What a good response martian...I misjudged you. I bow that I am at fault here......must have had urine in my Cap'n Crunch this am yet again!


Well-Known Member
Yup, I meant refraction but there is still defraction going on, there's no such thing as perfect glass. Yes, there are 4 transistions in a mirror with glass which is why in camera lenses for example, the optics are coated on both sides.

I'm aware that the main concave mirror in a telescope is a front surface mirror also, I wasn't actually addressing that.

Reflectance is a ratio of the radiant or luminous flux to the incidence flux in a given condition. Reflectivity is reflectance of a layer of material of such a thickness that there is no change in reflectance with an increase in thickness. When you're dealing with mylar the reflectivity and the reflectance is roughly the same.

The TSR of the energy star paint might be .90 or so but if you look in the chart you'll see it rolling off outside of the PAR (photosynthetic active raiation) range (400-700nm). If you only include PAR instead of including the non-photosynthetic 700-1100nm then you'll get a higher number. When you're dealing with a paint that has a high enough thickness that there will be no change in reflectivity then the reflectance and the reflectivity will be roughly the same.

You want constructive feedback? You'll get a better and more constructive discussion if you don't come across as such an arrogant prick. You have a lot to offer and I enjoy what you bring but you need to come off better. If your goal is just to ridicule then might I suggest the grasscity forum?


Well-Known Member
Honestly at first I was pretty insulted.....thin skinned and pettty...but now I am just wasting time.......2 hours to go and not a customer in sight.

The Martian

Active Member
Hello all.
Nice one Platypusmann, it takes a grown up to appologise. respect.
Thanks for the offer, but there really is no need.
But why would you assume I was a Kid??? and a Yank??? and that I wouldn't know what work was??? I'm a 45 year Old bloke, from N west England, who BTW is well aquainted with REAL graft.


Well-Known Member
LMAO!!! Too priceless!! I assume you were a kid, because I assume everyone is! And yes, being from UK you know what graft is, for sure.


Uses the Rollitup profile
Pot roast, the fact your staff and have been on here ages, evidently doesn't make you the genius you assume.

Or is it that were just fick bastards, thus our assumtions must be wrong?

Well, Martian, I've never said I was a genius, nor assumed it. But there is so much that you don't know, it is frightening that you think you know so much.

So I guess it's that fick bastard thing. :blsmoke:


DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
[FONT=Times New Roman,Times]Industrial Reflective Material[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman,Times]Fabric foil reflective covering is designed for light and heat dispersion. Although it doesn't have the same percentage of reflectability as Mylar, it's a heck of a lot more durable, longer-lasting and cleanable. Available in 54" width, with lengths of 25, 50 and 100 ft. SPECIAL ORDER.------[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman,Times][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman,Times]I want to build some hanging moveable panel's around my tables----What is the best reflective mat------I have heard of a poly lined mylar. Need something that can be cleaned with a 7.5% bleach soulution 2x a week----thanks...[/FONT]


Well-Known Member
depends were you are. it`s the most expencive shit around here.
50 bucks cdn for 20 to 30 feet. not worht it for me


Well-Known Member
keep it flat and you will be fine
Why is this, i purchased a emergency blanket(it is mylar i double checked) and most of it is wrinkly. Will this effect the dispersion of light, or make it less effective?


Well-Known Member
i dont like those they are insulated right, holds heat in i found
the texture is ok. what we mean with wrinkled ia like using tin foil (bad) try and get it perfectly smooth
the wrinkles cause hot spots that may burn plants


Active Member
i use the wonderful reflective material know as plywood... haha.. but seriously, it absorbs heat very well and reflects pretty much the spectrum that i want for flowering... a nice bright red, orange glow.

I would'nt be surprised to see a completely unfinished room (pine,spruce) rate just a couple of points behind a white room for reflecting the colors that a plant actually needs during flowering.

For a test bring a pine board outside on a sunny day and look at it... (f*cking bright!). Especially early morning with a hangover.

The point is i get about 1.5-2 ounces per plant i am not going to stick any material up that reflects additional useless wavelengths so that i can then harvest the same 1.5-2 ounces per plant.


Well-Known Member
your wood has nothing to do with your
sorry bud but you couldnt use a more useless piece of reflective material. (not slamin ya)
the plants dont see the light we do so you. wood dose not reflect light it absorbs light.
i have never heard that in 20 years


Active Member
LOL, bonz.... if wood absorbed light it would be ..... well .. black...

here's something simple.. the brighter the wood appears, the more light it is reflecting. I wasn't saying the wood has anything to do with my yields, but the only reason we see anything is because light is being reflected from is surface. (thats why plants are green... they do not absorb the wavelength from green light and therefore reflect it, so you see a plant as green.

wood is the same, if you are looking at a piece of wood that is light colored or tan, it is reflecting that wavelength of light... not absorbing it.

Sorry to be the first to tell you this in 20 years.