Well-Known Member
You are so right. I am just an petty stuff. seems to me there is alot more important stuf to differ on than this. i dont think a couple of degrees of more or less reflectivity will make that much difference.
but wut dus i know i has no humor ither
I am at work...just trying to waste time until I get a client or some real work to do. I apologize for mucking up the forum with my BS.
Bottom line....I was told the elastomeric paint was 85% reflective. It is not.
Mylar is more reflective than elastomeric paint.
If you ever thought about putting wrapping paper up on you walls without creasing or crinkiling it, then you can hang mylar.
mylar-$17.95 for 50' roll. I can buy this before every grow if I want and install it in 30 minutes each room for my three 4x4x8 areas.
paint-$5 to $25 a gallon....takes 4 gallons to do my three rooms right and 4 hours of drying time. Can't do easily before each grow.
I pick mylar.
Sorry martian...I was just feeling the need to be a prick.
I digress......give me your address and I'll send you an apology nugget. LOL