My plants lost their smell second week into bloom. Any ideas why?


Well-Known Member
It's just like your veggies. Some may be ready faster than others. Light, shade, feeding, pests, ....... So many things can speed up or slow down your plants you HAVE to view them as individuals. :)


Well-Known Member
Right on, I get it now. But that leads to a question, sorry, if I harvest a whole plant what if the WHOLE plant isn't ready? Do I cut some branches and hang and wait for the others to ripen?


Well-Known Member
Right on, I get it now. But that leads to a question, sorry, if I harvest a whole plant what if the WHOLE plant isn't ready? Do I cut some branches and hang and wait for the others to ripen?
Yep pull as parts ripen. I usually take the tops and uppers leaving the lowers popcorn bud to ripen a bit longer.


Well-Known Member
Ooooh! Thats what someone told me meant. She said, you don't pick allur tomatoes at the same time, no bud before its time. DUH, now I get what she was trying to tell me. I thought she was kind of a kook lol


Well-Known Member
That makes sooo much more sense to me. I kept thinking the while thing isn't gonna be done at the same time but everyone says chop at a certain time, so I was thinking maybe it all catches up at the end lol


Well-Known Member
Holy crap that makes trim, dry, hang and cure so much easier. I was gonna be a bit since I'm by myself. I didn't know how I was gonna get it all done at the proper times. Piece by piece is do able.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely! I'm such a worrier by nature an have high anxiety, (bet u couldn't tell lol), I got into this thinking how peaceful and calming it'd be. Next year will be a blast, u get addicted man. I wanna try indoors and go all year. If y'all can stand the whole different set of neurotic questions haha. I actually love the entire process of learning and watching the fruits of ur labor, time and for me , neurosis lol


Well-Known Member
Now's when it's really getting exciting, its like raising children. You watch them grow and change and take on personalities and now they're maturing, and getting fully formed and gonna go out and spread the love I've put into them. I love that I can see a change in them daily now.


Well-Known Member
Hi, is there something extra you do or a trick to make them ffostier?
I honestly think your doing just fine with everything your already doing I wouldn't change a thing .....I just use normal veg,bloom,flower nutes with a molasses regimen during flowering nothing special and like ABM said keep it easy don't over complicate an otherwise simple stress free hobby


Well-Known Member
Well there's my first mistake, I play music for em, David Correa and Cascada, u should check em out they're fantastic. I talk to em constantly , wow I was told I could love em to death lol. It's raining again, gotta go dump pools of water off my plastic til I can rebuild , uuuugh


Well-Known Member
Well there's my first mistake, I play music for em, David Correa and Cascada, u should check em out they're fantastic. I talk to em constantly , wow I was told I could love em to death lol. It's raining again, gotta go dump pools of water off my plastic til I can rebuild , uuuugh
No no no killing them with kindness meaning giving them to much to frequently you can sing and dance with em all you want lol


Well-Known Member
Some people feel like they have to do something to there plants everyday and while they think there doing a good thing there really hurting it that's what I meant by killing with kindness lol lol. Music and talking to them doesn't hurt nothing if that's what you like to do .....


Well-Known Member
They love Motown and Bob! U might know David Correa ABM, he's from ur area. He's at his best with Cascada, I git them to come up here and play a while back, great fun! BBQ pig in the ground and a big bonfire, it was fantastic. We'll do it after harvest yea?