Worst break up on RIU - MORPHEUS

When I poke my head into TrollCity:


Smfh lmao

Haters gonn hate I guess.
It was an internet based sociological experiment based on what thread titles attracts the most views/ attention.

Probably has something to do with the videos or images linked in the threads more than anything. Back when I used to upload videos to youtube a long dormant video I had uploaded years ago suddenly shot up by thousands of views in just a week.

I was able to track down why using the tools on youtube and it showed that the views went up dramatically when someone linked my video to their site, also the site had just a little over the amount of views my video had gained during that period of time.

The site's views went up simply because of the video linked to it was the first result when searched on google. That's why when you look up Baily Jay images it sometimes shows the source as RIU. Not sure how that happened.

I can't describe my disappointment in missing the tits and tranny porn era of this thread. I mean, I know where to find walls of vagina on the internets and all, but it is more fun with friends. Just sayin'. I like your style @Yessica... why do men [insert whatever horrible shit we are likely to do] women? I don't understand. Being nice encourages others to be nice, play the long game, boys.
I can't describe my disappointment in missing the tits and tranny porn era of this thread. I mean, I know where to find walls of vagina on the internets and all, but it is more fun with friends. Just sayin'. I like your style @Yessica... why do men [insert whatever horrible shit we are likely to do] women? I don't understand. Being nice encourages others to be nice, play the long game, boys.
Some people on here get all butt hurt about sharing attention and like to fun ruin for everyone.

When this whole thing started, lots of people came on board. It was a fun topless, no nipple, shameful (without shaming) good time.

Then the twats came around with the slut shaming and attention whoring/ picture saving negatron business. Changed my mind about fun tasteful nudity on the Internet, that's for sure.

You'd think everyone on a weed site would be pretty chill.


It was a good time. Maybe it'll come back again one day.
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Some people on here get all butt hurt about sharing attention and like to fun ruin for everyone.

When this whole thing started, lots of people came on board. It was a fun topless, no nipple, shameful (without shaming) good time.

Then the twats came around with the slut shaming and attention whoring/ picture saving negatron business. Changed my mind about fun tasteful nudity on the Internet, that's for sure.

You'd think everyone on a weed site would be pretty chill.


It was a good time. Maybe it'll come back again one day.
The slut shaming shit has got to go, it is so backwards. I encourage slutty behavior and always have. Repression of healthy sexual behaviors leads to unhealthy sexual behaviors, is my theory.
I am continually shocked at how non-chill folks can be here, then I look at myself and figure most of us are a little tightly wound, which is probably why we smoke in the first place. I am a pretty intolerant ass, in my own way, without a bunch of thc in me. I would be unemployable without it, my tolerance for bullshit approaches 0 after about three days of no cannabis.
Perhaps I can get things going again by posting a pic of my dick bulge.

You know...because...equality and all that.



Good morning, ppl.

Cannabis and coffee time before I hit the streets.
I like the way you think...

Go for it! I fully support "nudity" as long as it follows the rules and regulations of RIU's policies.