Colorado is making TOO MUCH money on weed?

The weed ain't much better in Vegas, unless you know one of my dudes..jk, but seriously most the weed in Vegas is just shit

Is it hard to get a rec out there. I know they have reciprocity. From what I've read it seems you have to be terminal to get a rec. But it seems like that in AZ too by reading. But in reality it's actually pretty easy to get one. I'm wondering if it's like that in vegas. If I could I'd set out there maybe. I want to be legal.
The CO windfall tax revenue notwithstanding, there is a federally sponsored misinformation campaign afoot, which I find, at the very least, to be quite disturbing!
Read this and shudder. The odious prohibitionists are becoming increasingly shrill and desperate. Truly repugnant behavior.

Supposedly Neutral Federal Report Stacks The Deck Against Marijuana Legalization.

Excerpted from above article:
Honest drug warriors would acknowledge the Quinnipiac numbers and perhaps try to balance them with other poll results. Dishonest drug warriors would do what the Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (RMHIDTA) does in its new report on marijuana legalization: change the numbers.
The RMHIDTA, a federally supported task force dedicated to suppressing marijuana and other illegal drugs, claims only 50 percent of Colorado voters supported legalization in that Quinnipiac survey—eight points lower than the actual result. It also understates the 2012 vote for Amendment 64 by a point, but the comparison still supports the story that the task force wants to tell: The consequences of legalization in Colorado have been so bad that public support for the policy already has fallen.
That's redundant.
By definition, power is control in politics.

I am going to weasle my way out of this by saying that the term 'power' means the scope of control. It is how many people you control and the breadth and depth of that control.
Colorado is making too much money in pot taxes... the response of 'gotta stop that!' will give way to 'gotta get in on that!' soon enough. This worm is turning, and pretty quickly.

Bernie Sanders in '16, for federal legalization!
lol you guys cant even have a discussion without semantics getting in the way...lmao
And you noticed it, eh? :mrgreen:
How attentive!

I was just wondering about the externalities of legalization.
What positives, other than direct finance, has Colorado seen since the initiation? Was the justice system already "low burden" with marijuana offences?
And you noticed it, eh? :mrgreen:
How attentive!

I was just wondering about the externalities of legalization.
What positives, other than direct finance, has Colorado seen since the initiation? Was the justice system already "low burden" with marijuana offences?
None that I have seen. And no. No further questions please.