First time grow results


Well-Known Member
I didn't imagine harvesting the buds would take so much time. My plant came out really small and it took me two days to finish (but I took frequent breaks in the beginning because trimming seemed more complicated). It gets faster/easier as you get more experienced right?
I planted it as a clone on 7/22 in forest farms oceans forest with no added nutrients just water.
The buds smelled really nice on the plant like blueberries but I think in the last few days they started to smell more earthy. Once I cut the plant down the smell changed again to something less appealing and even less appealing once it got to the Baggie.

For the two days I was trimming I hung the plant out outside and by today it went from really moist and fresh looking at the beginning to really dry. At this point I started plucking out the remaining leaves.

I got about 23 grams out of it, I don't plan on smoking so I was wondering if I could leave it in the freezer and smoke it later on?

I plan on using nutrients next time that will help a great deal right? How can I prevent it from getting so dried up..was I supposed to hang it indoors or something?
i agree with diabolic im a new grower. only been through 2 harvests and i can do an oz in about 30min. you might have made the same mistake i had when i first harvested and that was be to carefull with the buds. yes be as careful as you can you dont want to damage the trichs but you dont have to treat it like a bomb lol. look up videos of people doing it. it doesnt have to be perfect during the dring phase. goodjob for first grow though. better than mine lol. as for the drying do a good dry and a good cure dont skimp out on those 2 things. you put so much work to get this far the most important stages to ensure quality are the drying and curing process. there are crazy badass threads on both topics right here on RIU! just do your research no need for the freezer. just get some good mason jars bro ditch that baggy
@Diabolical666 @pseudobotanist @DANK PURPY I guess I already screwed up on the drying process. Maybe I didn't but two days (or basically 24 full hours hanging under a tree in LA whether made it feel pretty dry especially once I trimmed off most of the leaves.

It basically smells like cut grass now which I'm assuming is the chlorophyll. I put it in a glass container and actually the buds don't feel terrible now and are decently sticky.

Since I'm not smoking, if I leave the glass container in my drawer covered over by a black cloth for months (or at least a month) that should do the curing process and the longer the better right?
@Diabolical666 @pseudobotanist @DANK PURPY I guess I already screwed up on the drying process. Maybe I didn't but two days (or basically 24 full hours hanging under a tree in LA whether made it feel pretty dry especially once I trimmed off most of the leaves.

It basically smells like cut grass now which I'm assuming is the chlorophyll. I put it in a glass and actually the buds don't feel terrible now and are decently sticky.

Since I'm not smoking, if it leave the glass jar in my drawer covered over by a black cloth for months (or at least a month) that should do the curing process and the longer the better right?
pop the jar once every 8 hrs for about 5 get some fresh air in the jar
How much of an impact do you think not having nutrients added will have one the smoke? Like I said I only had it in ocean's forest, and I definitely saw signs of nutrient deficiency (I think magnesium) at some point. You can see it in some of the bigger leaves. Have you smoked weed just grown like this before? Or will it not be as bad as I am thinking?
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Next time let it flower a little longer. All I use is water here's one from last year just before harvest. Cow manure is fine.View attachment 3503690
I would have let it flower forever but once it rained the leaves started turning purple and the bud tips were turning purple too so I thought somethingn was wrong and just cut it.

Yours taste as good as anyone else's? Nice crop..
I would have let it flower forever but once it rained the leaves started turning purple and the bud tips were turning purple too so I thought somethingn was wrong and just cut it.

Yours taste as good as anyone else's? Nice crop..
Purple is normal later in the season its from the cold. Mine tastes better than everyone else's. A little fade at the end equals less chlorophyll and a smoother smoke. grow pics 004.jpggrow pics 006.jpg grow pics 007.jpg grow pics 024.jpg grow pics 028.jpg This last pic is from about two weeks ago They're twice that size now.grow pics 093.jpg
your girl had at least another three weeks to go-you lost a lot of weight by harvesting so early. does the amount in the baggie represent the total harvest from her after she dried? she was looking nice.
Yes it was, I measured it again in the glass container it's at 23.5 g

That's sucks but it's cool this is just for fun right now. But I agree my buds look rather small. I might be off on the drying too because now that I touch the buds they feel pretty moist again but I might just continue with the curing process.

The thing is the strain has a 7 week flower time, and it had little hair sticking out since I bought it, and I surpassed 7 weeks so I thought it was ready anyway.
Yes it was, I measured it again in the glass container it's at 23.5 g

That's sucks but it's cool this is just for fun right now. But I agree my buds look rather small. I might be off on the drying too because now that I touch the buds they feel pretty moist again but I might just continue with the curing process.

The thing is the strain has a 7 week flower time, and it had little hair sticking out since I bought it, and I surpassed 7 weeks so I thought it was ready anyway.

the time claimed for flower in the descriptions is rarely accurate. you'll know for next time so it was a good learning experience. there are some good threads on RIU about drying and curing your bud you should read since you're aren't going to be smoking this for a month or so.
Dry and cure 101,
I hang my plants whole in a dark room 75 degrees, 55% humidity for 4 days.
Then I break the plants down into larger sections and I put them in a brown paper bags.
I fold the top and add clips and then I let this sit 5-7 days burping once every other day.
Finally I trim out my buds and put them in mason jars, those get burped every 3 days for 2 weeks.
From then I seal the jars and your dry n cure is done.
Weed tastes a lot better after 3 months sealed in a jar after proper dry n cure.
I could go straight from hanging to jars but I like the bag phase because the cut branches can be dried slowly before the curing.
Bags allow More time Gassing off the chlorophyll without the buds being over dried.
