First time grow results


Well-Known Member
Dry and cure 101,
I hang my plants whole in a dark room 75 degrees, 55% humidity for 4 days.
Then I break the plants down into larger sections and I put them in a brown paper bags.
I fold the top and add clips and then I let this sit 5-7 days burping once every other day.
Finally I trim out my buds and put them in mason jars, those get burped every 3 days for 2 weeks.
From then I seal the jars and your dry n cure is done.
Weed tastes a lot better after 3 months sealed in a jar after proper dry n cure.
Thanks for the 101, I'm gonna try to keep drying it by leaving the top off at least here and there.
Well, I was gonna say it was chopped a few weeks early too, but just think about it, it's a wonderful learning experience and next time will be so much better as you dial in on what to do and not to do..
Yeah it's super fun. I already have more extra seeds but I don't know if I'll be able to grow more outdoors this time of the season..can I? I have some cfl's so I might just grow under a few of those but I feel like it wouldn't come out right.


Well-Known Member
When you say ripen, does that mean it's gonna taste different since I harvested early or my buds are just smaller?
When buds are fully ripened, flavor, potency and weight will be at max point...a proper cure will bring out the best flavor the plant has to harvesting early, you lose potency , weight and waiting just two or three weeks you could have easily doubled your dry weight and potency

hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
When buds are fully ripened, flavor, potency and weight will be at max point...a proper cure will bring out the best flavor the plant has to harvesting early, you lose potency , weight and waiting just two or three weeks you could have easily doubled your dry weight and potency
Yes they do add to flavor and weight and bag appeal but u should still have some good weed there next time just time it a little better. And read all the grow posts in here and YouTube. Also its just experience, u did good noob.
U did good..bongsmilie