I've never had a cut, which are taken from the bottom of the plant at 3 weeks, fail to root. haven't noticed them rooting any slower for that matter. although resuming normal growth does take longer. I use this method because I usually scrog, and seems to make for a more even canopy, and easier to weave within the screen. opposed to branches that are larger and make an uneven screen, or dominate a part of the screen from a veg cut. also keeps me from having a mother around, and over growing my small veg tent before I can screen them. with that said, topping and supercropping multiple times, closes the gap between recovery times compared to reveg growth times. cut in flower, toss a screen on em'. even without a screen, there is little maintenance to keep them even. BUT they do tend to flop if not flowered quickly. Just learned this, as it was the first time I haven't used a screen while MC'ing.
also, im pretty sure darth is Pkbusted, and for some reason posts pics that aren't his