I was also hoping that someone in a nother thread would sell me on them but most in that thread got all defensive and started name calling. But all in all like another member said its the cost vs the efficiency bottom line.
The problem i only see and everyone should is??? the efficiency bubble but when you really break it down its lame and meaning less really . Your right they get really defensive cause they are hard headed and into there pockets to deep to actually admit they screwed up does LED grow for sure is it more efficient well we can break it down for instance 1000 watt gets a good grower 3 pounds @ 2200.00 a pound so that is 6600.00 dollars even i it cost you 100 a month to run which it doesn't but lets say it did vegged 5 weeks not even 2 months but hey lets round up 200 bucks for veg and and another 200 for flower a wooping 400 bucks to make 6600 dollars
subtract all costs from money made and your still laughing now you got this 1000 watt equivalent LED unit which many LED companies claim that is 1k hid replacement comes in short i mean really short ..
so lets break this down 50 percent less power used ok 50 bucks a month now 5 weeks vegged 75 bucks same thing applies for flower 8 weeks 100 bucks so total cost 175 bucks to make a pound may be 1.5 pounds again half the yield and i am being nice usually there lucky to make a pound. Reason light coverage with such a small unit your not going to veg 25 plants in 5 gallon buckets more like couple and with less penetration means less product lets face it couple oz off a plant its takes lots of buds to make a pound
So if your running a business is saving money on power really being effcient ??? for that much less product and sales ??? seriously
LED companies use the spectrums as a sales pitch bringing you better quality FACT is that in reality its not the quality of light but the amount of light that the plants get any good grower will tell you that or warehouse grower
Its no different then saying what will grow a plant faster 20 watts per sq foot of good spectrum or 60 watts per with wide spectrum trust me take the 60 watts per
And thats the problem today you need multiple led lights to compete with 1 k hid so its apples and oranges
1215 watt nanolux DE 415 bucks and how much of led units to come close 1200 - 2000 ??? and then don;t forget with more led power there number one sales gimmic is it runs colder lol sorry your going to need cooling and fans cause a watt is a watt and heat is heat all electrical components create heat dont be fooled go touch the bottom of your pc