Is it wrong to steal food to feed your starving family?

Is it wrong to steal food to feed your starving family?

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At least most thieves recognise/admit they're stealing and thats it's an immoral act, they just don't care.

I actually respect those people more than people who try rationalise it with bullshit like "Walmart are evil".

You have respect for this idiot who had to be told to stop stealing?

My cable company told me to stop 3 years ago .
I complied

Some civilized society we've become, allowing these worthless fucks to walk among us.
You have respect for this idiot who had to be told to stop stealing?

Some civilized society we've become, allowing these worthless fucks to walk among us.
No, I have more respect for the thief that admits they're a thief rather than some idiot who tries to rationalise it like they're some Robin Hood motherfucker.
Some civilized society we've become, allowing these worthless fucks to walk among us.
But what are you going to do? I mean narcissism is rampant. Generations of coddled men and women these days simply think they are entitled to whatever they want. Integrity has left the building. I dunno man. It's just America I guess. I can't complain. Tho my lifestyle may be of meager means. I got a whole lotta stuff better than I've had before. Narcissism. Look it up.
I steal a lot, mostly for shits and giggles, if I'm gonna use the self checkout and save the company money you bet your ass I'm gonna take a couple things without scanning them

"Shits and giggles" eh? RIU's best. :spew:

I hate thieves. Should scum like you come into my property or any of my friends and we'll blow your worthless ass to kingdom. Know what the local cops will say?

"Thanks Mr. Ben, ya done good. Have a good day."

no bill.......
You have respect for this idiot who had to be told to stop stealing?

Some civilized society we've become, allowing these worthless fucks to walk among us.

This isn't society in general. It's statement about the RIU membership.
But what are you going to do? I mean narcissism is rampant. Generations of coddled men and women these days simply think they are entitled to whatever they want. Integrity has left the building. I dunno man. It's just America I guess. I can't complain. Tho my lifestyle may be of meager means. I got a whole lotta stuff better than I've had before. Narcissism. Look it up.

A policy of zero tolerance for those that don't respect personal space or property. Get rid of 'em, we don't need the useless scum. Spare the kids as long as they're under the control of the parents. Repeat teenage offenders need no mercy.

Stealing is indicative of deeper seated problems. Just imagine if "Chessball" was dealt with years ago we wouldn't be reading his nonsense now. Stealing is the premise of the "free stuff" guys.

It may take a while, but eventually the cattle will get the message.
Keep acting like you've never downloaded or streamed anything
I've had and cancelled Netflix like 4 or 5 times over the years. I mean it costs like $8 a month. But, I just got tired of the freezing up during movies. I streamed it through an older blue ray player and that could be the issue. Perhaps it wasn't a problem from Netflix end. Anyway, so if you can buy a service for $8 a month, why be a disgusting thief that people don't like? There is so much free tv available on the internet anyway. I mean every major network streams. Check out the History Channel app. I mean seriously man. I personally don't steal not even at all.

You kinda seem like the type that was coddled and spoiled by your mother. So, you just feel entitled like the world owes you.
I clearly stated I don't steal, I used a common pov that a lot of people seem to have(I've heard it a lot at least) your just so stupid you pick the first thing you read and run with it, yea I used napster way back when, and I acknowledge that was stealing

Why do you think you guys call each other hypocrites racist blah blah blah cause your all equally as stupid on different sides of the fence
I clearly stated I don't steal, I used a common pov that a lot of people seem to have(I've heard it a lot at least) your just so stupid you pick the first thing you read and run with it, yea I used napster way back when, and I acknowledge that was stealing

Why do you think you guys call each other hypocrites racist blah blah blah cause your all equally as stupid on different sides of the fence
I can find every song I want to hear on YouTube. I still feel you were overly coddled by your mom. Probably still call her for money all the time when you should be supporting yourself. Or maybe your still at home and she pays the cell phone bill and gives you gas money and other stuff. Just a feeling but, your responses indicate that there is some truth to it.
You have respect for this idiot who had to be told to stop stealing?

Some civilized society we've become, allowing these worthless fucks to walk among us.
My cable company blocked my access until I agreed not to download torrents for Breaking Bad. Had to buy the last 3 episodes off amazon. Now I own them
So if a billionaire is having a banquet in the park with a hundred tables of food for the guests and an unemployed man with 4 starving kids sneaks in and steals a couple loaf's of bread and some meat to feed them, you believe that's wrong, and he shouldn't do it, even to feed his family, and if he does, he should be punished in accordance with the law?

Stealing is wrong.
Do you think the billionaire hosted this banquet for free?

Say the man with the 4 starving kids gets caught stealing?
Now he has to pay a fine or go to jail.
Who loses now?
