Seed banks?


I've never ordered seeds online though i have browsed through a lot to see what they have. It seems that very few ship to the US. Especially states where it is still illegal. Im curious if anyone has had any luck using an online seed bank and which ones would you recommend?
I've never ordered seeds online though i have browsed through a lot to see what they have. It seems that very few ship to the US. Especially states where it is still illegal. Im curious if anyone has had any luck using an online seed bank and which ones would you recommend?

Based in Spain and their prices usually beat others. They take all cards and Bitcoin.
Yes and I recieved mine on 4 business days....when they ask to pay for stealth shipping...DO SO! Find one that gives insurance like..If custom seizes it, they keep sending. ...I go threw gorilla seed bank..they have a great selection for a goodprice...and great discounts....there customer service is beyond the best...
I received my order from seedsman 5 days after they charged my card. So it was a total of 2 weeks or less to my door with stealth shipping. I paid 55 bucks for 23 seeds. They all came packaged well in a little what they call a make-up bag. Which is a well made sativa hemp bag I might add. I have yet to germ anything but soon. Atm I have some high grade bag just put into rockwool and some jiffy pellets. I'm testing my new cab prior to putting paid for strains in. I'll be making some more post later on its been like 2 years since my las grow and this time it should work out much better then last. I have no experience with any other seed banks to the us except seedsman.
I received my order from seedsman 5 days after they charged my card. So it was a total of 2 weeks or less to my door with stealth shipping. I paid 55 bucks for 23 seeds. They all came packaged well in a little what they call a make-up bag. Which is a well made sativa hemp bag I might add. I have yet to germ anything but soon. Atm I have some high grade bag just put into rockwool and some jiffy pellets. I'm testing my new cab prior to putting paid for strains in. I'll be making some more post later on its been like 2 years since my las grow and this time it should work out much better then last. I have no experience with any other seed banks to the us except seedsman.
Don't frigging reveal the shipping methods!!!!!!
The shipping methods are posted everywhere I don't understand why people get so paronoid. Its pretty comman knowledge by now just an fyi.
Even if I did feel I made a mistake I can't remove the quotes you keep putting in your messages. So the reality is you also are assisting the so called enemy. So what sense are you truly making?
  • Herbies and attitude
  • Also got a couple of seeds
  • Single
  • But I like Herbies the best has a built in conversion sheet for usd.
The shipping methods are posted everywhere I don't understand why people get so paronoid. Its pretty comman knowledge by now just an fyi.
NEVER give the enemy any assistance.
I never knew seeds man puts it in a make up bag...even tho it's posted everywhere, why make it obviously have never been seized by customs, ITS SHITTY AF! (100s of $$ down the drain) And that's why seed banks come up with more and more ways...but just get ruined by posts like day twizzlor, your money will be taken by customs, and you'll be one pissed off pony
I've never ordered seeds online though i have browsed through a lot to see what they have. It seems that very few ship to the US. Especially states where it is still illegal. Im curious if anyone has had any luck using an online seed bank and which ones would you recommend?

Also if you're afraid you can use bag seed (seeds from a bag of weed you bought) that works ok, you just won't know if it's a boy or girl or what strain, another way of putting it, surprise! Just plant a few seeds and wait till it shows it's sex.
I've never ordered seeds online though i have browsed through a lot to see what they have. It seems that very few ship to the US. Especially states where it is still illegal. Im curious if anyone has had any luck using an online seed bank and which ones would you recommend?

I have had 3 successful orders from attitude, tho the last one had to go USD cash thru the mail to pay (think thats fixed now thru sister/clone site)

Got a free order from GorillaSeedbank from a giveaway right here on RIU (w00t!) It came in quick and stealthy...

Bottom line, never order $500 worth of seeds... just in case something bad happens.
Never order without ordering the stealth/insurance... it only takes one lost package to make up for the added cost....
Be patient.... shipping can be s-l-o-w sometimes with international shipping, especially when its meant to look like unimportant mail...

If customs DOES snatch your shit, they don't come breaking your door down, you aren't gonna start seeing DEA outside watching ur house.... they take the seeds, leave a note, and finish mailing it....

(In which case u call the seedbank, explain you got the note, paid for insurance, and they re-ship!)
I took a chance buying from a seedbank and was pleased but if my post was read correctly I bought stealth. I still felt like it was a chance but with security and yet some people see what they want and overlook the op's concern which was all of our concerns at one point. I won't lose $100's at most I will lose would be around 50 considering if I got screwed by customs and the seedbank did not withhold there end of the deal I would not be stupid enough to order from them again. Now let's get back to the op's subject instead of filling this post with paronoid thoughts and concerns.