Sure it is flushing not only takes away the 02 and nutrients in the soil it also effects osmosis It’s extremely hard to realize that Mother Nature can’t be rushed. You want to do something for your plants every day, and watering seems like a good idea. So does more food. But in MOST situations, less is more. for the novice growers they tend to water to much in flowering mode and flushing is extreme watering in nature although it rain all times of the year late fall tends to be less and with that less RH also occurs this is a great thing
If growers would realize that feed then water feed then water then there would be no issues with over nutrients or money wasted ..
Once you begin flowering, and there are buds on the plant, you don’t want to come close to wilting, EVER! Think 70% dry, 30% moisture. During mid-flowering when buds get large, shoot for around 50% moisture through late flowering. When growth begins to slow, revert to the previous ratio of 70% dry and 30% moisture. follow this rule and also meaning feed next time water next time feed schedule and you will have the best possible outcome ..
Plants are individuals, and to grow the highest quality takes attention to detail.
Observation skills are the key to learning the “language of the plant.” Once you’ve spent enough time with your plants you’ll begin to easily recognize if they liked what you did to them, or not.
The goal is to ultimately become a confident, successful cultivator.