Is it time to Flush?

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Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
I guess we've just established how intelligent the 'pro-flushing' crowd is. :roll:
Exactly coming from a guy that said that posts this lol can clearly see he has no idea on anything other words a NOOB wow i bet that shooting powder did wonders ?? lmao fuck me

Hi There im searching around for some advice on using different Brand Nutrients with Different Brand Soils / Medium .

Previously i used
terra Soil
20 Litre Pots

For Vegging i used

Stimulator 1
Terra Vega

For Flower i Used
Terra Floors
Bud xl
Top Booster
Shooting Powder

Im Now setting Up My Next Grow and have been Persuaded to give bio bizz all mix a go
However im a bit reluctant to use all the nutrients and boosters i used on my last grow i had excellent Results however last time growing Royal Queen Cheese

Can i please get some advice please from some people in the know as to what nutrients / Boosters i should go for this time around as im aware bio bizz is organic And upon a bit of reading are unsure if certain nutrients and feeds might unballance the NPK Ratio's so should i miss out on what i used last time and just use the bio grow bloom and boost with all mix ??


Well-Known Member
Exactly coming from a guy that said that posts this lol can clearly see he has no idea on anything other words a NOOB wow i bet that shooting powder did wonders ?? lmao fuck me

Hi There im searching around for some advice on using different Brand Nutrients with Different Brand Soils / Medium .

Previously i used
terra Soil
20 Litre Pots

For Vegging i used

Stimulator 1
Terra Vega

For Flower i Used
Terra Floors
Bud xl
Top Booster
Shooting Powder

Im Now setting Up My Next Grow and have been Persuaded to give bio bizz all mix a go
However im a bit reluctant to use all the nutrients and boosters i used on my last grow i had excellent Results however last time growing Royal Queen Cheese

Can i please get some advice please from some people in the know as to what nutrients / Boosters i should go for this time around as im aware bio bizz is organic And upon a bit of reading are unsure if certain nutrients and feeds might unballance the NPK Ratio's so should i miss out on what i used last time and just use the bio grow bloom and boost with all mix ??
have a look how old that post was and what exactly was your point in going back about 2 years and that was a question about bio bizz what is your point from this


Well-Known Member
Exactly coming from a guy that said that posts this lol can clearly see he has no idea on anything other words a NOOB wow i bet that shooting powder did wonders ?? lmao fuck me

Hi There im searching around for some advice on using different Brand Nutrients with Different Brand Soils / Medium .

Previously i used
terra Soil
20 Litre Pots

For Vegging i used

Stimulator 1
Terra Vega

For Flower i Used
Terra Floors
Bud xl
Top Booster
Shooting Powder

Im Now setting Up My Next Grow and have been Persuaded to give bio bizz all mix a go
However im a bit reluctant to use all the nutrients and boosters i used on my last grow i had excellent Results however last time growing Royal Queen Cheese

Can i please get some advice please from some people in the know as to what nutrients / Boosters i should go for this time around as im aware bio bizz is organic And upon a bit of reading are unsure if certain nutrients and feeds might unballance the NPK Ratio's so should i miss out on what i used last time and just use the bio grow bloom and boost with all mix ??
The only product I have experience from that list is the Ripen years ago and I would bin it because it left a horrible nasty taste in the buds that ruined a crop.

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
i would say at least another week before starting to flush look at the pistils they shouls start to recede as the buds swell looking at the pics if it was me i would prob feed for another 2 weeks and then 1 week to 10 days flush the last few weeks is where it really packs on the weight and swells out
i wonder when i should start flushing ??? was thinking of cutting all my leafs off cause i herd that it will give more sunlight to them you know buds ??? could you please give us all your expert opinion being you appear to no shit IMG2565.jpgIMG2566.jpg IMG2565.jpg IMG2566.jpg

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
have a look how old that post was and what exactly was your point in going back about 2 years and that was a question about bio bizz what is your point from this
So in 2 years you become a master growers i bow to you how fast you advanced lol there are some growers on this site that been growing when you got your first tricycle
you should sit down listen observe and learn flushing does nothing only leaches mobile nutrients what about phosphates and phosphorous they are immobile so they do not leach out as many appear to think . feed your plant proper ratios are key to all aspects of growth yields there is no denying over feeding causes issues under feeding causes issues and surely last 2 week when plants need it the most to think that lets just stress the plant into eatting it self to finish WTF
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Well-Known Member
i aint got to prove nothing to you but if you really need to look back through some of the other posts where you will see my results are nothing but bang on


Well-Known Member
my hydro guy didn't recommend unicorn poop, would that get me to 3 lbs per light? can the spike be silver in color? or does it have to be real silver? cause Imma gonna have to rob some bitches to get that kinda cheese.
Shit... man... everybody knows that its a COPPER nail you stab through the stalk.
C'mon brother, I thought you knew your shit..
Oh and its only the male unicorn manure you want, the female manure has too much estrogen in it, and that can lead to man-boobs.
Just thought i'd clear this up for the newbies.


Active Member
mate if u plant seeds they will all grow different and you wont actually be able to run a test with seeds you need to run clones from the same plant to get the same genetics just because the seeds are the same strain doesnt mean nothing mate some will grow taller some shorter some bushy some not so if you planted 20 seeds you will prob find that not 3 plants grow the same
That's what I was going to do. I said that later in the post. I said I'm going to plant 10 seeds and pick the most ideal plant to clone

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
Shit... man... everybody knows that its a COPPER nail you stab through the stalk.
C'mon brother, I thought you knew your shit..
Oh and its only the male unicorn manure you want, the female manure has too much estrogen in it, and that can lead to man-boobs.
Just thought i'd clear this up for the newbies.
shit i herd iron nails help allot in soil ??? actually i think i should put bunch of nails in water get them rusty and bury them in my soil :) and hey grease buddy welcome to the gong show lol

Bruce knowles

Active Member
Lol flushing is not a bad thing. I've been looking it up and some say don't some say do. I say it's up to you. I'm going to flush mine a week after I think they good to go. let them dry up a bit the just water for them for 11/14 days yeah boy chop chop lol and there in soil so im defo doing 11 days of just water maybe 14 ill see

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Hi Dr. Who,

I'm new to this but have always thought flushing seems silly for all the reasons anti-flushers state. The only argument for flushing that's ever made me rethink it is the fact the nutrients I'm using themselves suggest dropping the nutrients off in the last week - typically any company want you to use as much of their product as possible, of course. That alone doesn't sway me it's just been a consideration, I'm still going to run my nutrients all the way through. That said...

There's a whole bunch of sites and info on drying and curing that it gets hard to know which is the most credible advice, so could you explain or link me to a 'proper' dry and cure process for someone growing at home? As a pro, how would you recommend a new home hydro grower dry and cure his or her weed?

I do it like this.
I dry in a specific area with the temps at 70F with normal indoor swing, say +/- 3F
The RH is kept around a target of 60% and 50 to 70% is held....
I dry till the stems "crack" and not "bend" - I target this to take about 10 -14 days (The amounts dried at one time effect this time. If It takes less time to dry.....Raise temp and RH by 5 & 5 and see how that does......It needs to take at LEAST 7 days!

I cure buy putting the dried product in Mason jars and sealing them...
Everyday they are cracked open for about 3-5 min and the tops are only "off to the side" and not completely off.
I do this for 2 weeks.....
Try it at 1 weeks and keep some going for another week.....You should "see" a difference in the 2......i think the 2 week is stronger and more intense.....If the product gets too dry and "crumbly" - Bovita packs work well......I don't have that problem as I use 1/2 and 1 gallon Mason's

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Well-Known Member
Lol flushing is not a bad thing. I've been looking it up and some say don't some say do. I say it's up to you. I'm going to flush mine a week after I think they good to go. let them dry up a bit the just water for them for 11/14 days yeah boy chop chop lol and there in soil so im defo doing 11 days of just water maybe 14 ill see
that's different than flushing.
People adding chemicals to their water to reduce chemicals in their flowers...
That's what the argument is about.

Bruce knowles

Active Member
1442959753032-1038997417.jpg I'm using sho gun nutrients and it says what you have to do to get the best results on there chart have a look it says last week just water

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
True. Flushing takes away nutes that the plant needs. That is a fact. What is also a fact is that with a couple weeks left to go... flushing wont take anything away that is important. The possible weight loss would be measured in micro grams...the possible damage to trichs would never be discerned and so on... butbwhat is to be gained in smoothness from flushing is very very obvious to anybody whobhas down the side by side i have said a few times now...
Wow, insulted already......

How about YOU supply us with SCIENTIFIC FACT that flushing is needed......

Just who the "fuck" I am is none of your god damn problem......

You, on the other Hand you must be like Miley Cyrus.......
I'll explain.
I heard a report that Physics students at Oxford University took it upon them selves to prove that Miley could NOT be a "wrecking ball" and break through a house wall......They found she could do it if she weighed 368 pounds. They said that even if she did and broke through that wall the impact would kill her......
I just laughed and said to the radio DJ that they forgot to take into account just how "DENSE" she really is!

Yup! Your related!

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