My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!


Active Member
Im pretty sure if you still isolate the pollen, it will still spread all over the plant(s) from a natural pollenization process. If you want to pollenize, take them to a separate room. Also, if they seed, the buds will be fine to smoke, just up to 60% less potent then they would have been if they weren't pollenated.

mr west

Well-Known Member
they propper little plants now, get them in some big bucket sized pots and see them explode. maybe thats what happens, it does under my hps lol.


Well-Known Member
I do need some better pots. I want square ones. The thing is tho I cant put them all in much bigger pots or they wont all fit under the light!!! Ideally I guess I could find some narrow but very deep pots... Hmm.... When I find out which are girls, say there are 4, they can go in big pots and they would fit fine. Oh decisions decisions. Ive moved them round a bit so the ones on the red side get some blue light. The ones on the blue side do seem to be doing better but then I put the best ones on that side to start with! Sorry Im just rambing to myself now, Ill try think of some constructive stuff for later...

mr west

Well-Known Member
well yes its tricky wen space is limited I'm the same , i can get 6 med sized pots or 4 bigger ones in my room. Tall deep pots would be good but i cant find any. It will be better once u have weeded out the boys lol no pun intended. Your doing good rotating the plants if u cant get a light mover or its impractical. Keep it up QueenBee lol


Well-Known Member
Cheeers! Im considering using fizzy pop bottles - theyre deep but not much wider than the pots theyre in now...

I cant wait till the girls show themselves, should start happening next week, very exciting! Heres a quick pic from today. Theyre nice and bushy but theyre not growing upwards a lot. Should I move the light away a bit so they stretch a bit?


mr west

Well-Known Member
i wouldn't do that, u don't really want them to stretch. They will stretch enough when u change the lighting schedule to 12/12. they get weaker if they stretch so try and keep them as unstreched as u can.


Well-Known Member
Righty-o, Ill keep the light nice and close! But Im planning on keeping them on 18/6 all the way thru - this is whats recommended by the Lowryder creator person. Theyre auto-flowering so they dont need the 12/12.

Well Ive just spent 2 hours putting them all into bottles, with black bags round the bottles to keep the light off the roots. Theyre late in going to bed because of this but Im sure theyl be fine. Now theyv all got room to spread downwards!


mr west

Well-Known Member
looks good have they got plenty of drainage? the roots need oxygen more than anything. thats why we let them dry out b4 we water them lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
Tatty teddy lol my girlfriend has one of those hanging off her fone lol. looks like ur nicely set up for a grow now. I think u might need to up grade the pots size wise in a month or so. On a normal 12/12 strain my plants get a quite bit root bound in 10 inch pots but still gives me an oz and a half lol.


Well-Known Member
Yea the teddys watching over them making sure theyre alright!

I wont get an oz off these, lowryder are dwarfs and quick flowering (60 days from seed to harvest) so you dont get a huge yield. Im hoping for maybe an oz or so off 4 plants, all being well, given my circumstances. They seem to be doing finein their new pots but they dont fit under it as well which sucks. Think Im going to get another dual cfl but maybe just a 125w one...


Well-Known Member
push your lr and u can easily achieve 1.5oz a plant its possible,ive accomplished it and wit 1 125w cfl,kinda like urs but i got mine in a horizontal reflector.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean by push?! Lol. Thats awesome wackymack, youve given me hope! How big were your pots and what light cycle did you use. Its great to know it can be done with a cfl! Thanks


Well-Known Member
*Wants to know too wackymack*

Looking good queenbee. Think they look better than mine did at that age! Keep up the good work. I'm going to be watching with great intrested. Wish i had green fingers like that lol.

push your lr and u can easily achieve 1.5oz a plant its possible,ive accomplished it and wit 1 125w cfl,kinda like urs but i got mine in a horizontal reflector.


Well-Known Member
*Wants to know too wackymack*

Looking good queenbee. Think they look better than mine did at that age! Keep up the good work. I'm going to be watching with great intrested. Wish i had green fingers like that lol.
Thanks! Ive been looking at yours a lot too, its great to see a similar grow just a bit ahead! I dont think Ive got particularly green fingers. I was so worried coz Id read so much it seemed so hard but with just water, a light and some miracle grow soil (and some milk bottles) theyre doing great! I havnt done much! When do the problems start??!! Im scared! Or in a few days it'll be like congratulations - youve grown 8 very healthy males!!

I think the main difference between our grows is that your light was so far away for a long time and they wernt getting most of the light. But thats just my guess, and I still think yours look awesome!

Mr west - no I dont have a reflector, they just seem too expensive for me, I chose to spend more money on the light and get the best light I could afford. Ive got the bear card which is shiny white so Im hoping thats catching some stray light for them. Im keeping things as simple and cheap as poss!