push your lr and u can easily achieve 1.5oz a plant its possible,ive accomplished it and wit 1 125w cfl,kinda like urs but i got mine in a horizontal reflector.
Thanks! Ive been looking at yours a lot too, its great to see a similar grow just a bit ahead! I dont think Ive got particularly green fingers. I was so worried coz Id read so much it seemed so hard but with just water, a light and some miracle grow soil (and some milk bottles) theyre doing great! I havnt done much! When do the problems start??!! Im scared! Or in a few days it'll be like congratulations - youve grown 8 very healthy males!!*Wants to know too wackymack*
Looking good queenbee. Think they look better than mine did at that age! Keep up the good work. I'm going to be watching with great intrested. Wish i had green fingers like that lol.