I am building on my property and I might need one to mix some concrete.. It would be nice to wash it out real good and use it for recycling soil. I have about 250gal of soil. It mixes 4 cu.ft at a time
Yes I have before works pretty good let the s.o.b. churn for a few hours to mix it real good then dump akd do your other batch of soil and etc etc. I have been looking for like a 300-500 gallon plastic cylinder like on the back of a tractor for spraying crops. And use that.for a massive worm bin. When I jeed to fill pits I just shovel the soil out of it and fill pots. I will be down and out for a while as I have a baby boy will be here in Jan and can't have him next to a room so I had to put up the lights etc for a while until I can move or get a low.low spot. But yea let that bitch churn brother
I just had my 2nd kid in Aug. I upgraded my garage with a newly built room so that I could get my bedrooms back!
Also, my brother works at lowes and usually gets a good discount on tools
I've used a cement mixer before it does a good job with large quantities. We used to rent them one weekend a yr but then one year the company had none available so we improvised and used a 45 gallon drum with no lid and a 1/2" drill with a special paint mix tool and never rented a mixer again.
I was going to rent a mixer for this purpose, probably will next time. I would say you'd want something bigger than 4 cubic feet if you can get it though with that much soil. 250 gallons / 4 cu ft is still 8 batches.
I thought about renting a bobcat, I just wasn't sure how well I would be able to mix with it? Can I ask how much you mix up, and approx how long it takes you?
I did 25 yards this year. I just kept on scooping and dumping and making piles and mixing them. After an hour or so I was satisfied it was mixed well. I had manure piles around my property I had to collect, that was the most time cunsuming. The mixing was easy and I would dare say fun!