military vehicles are changing from desert camo to jungle camo

Probably the manufacturer of the paint was in danger of missing their quarterly profit estimates. Prostitutes were called... Bing, bang, boom.

It's the military. All combat arms should always be practicing for war!

Friendly fire happens a lot with the regular military. You have young scared poorly trained people with guns who are typically not the most intelligent people.
It happens. I was raised right outside an army fort. I remember there being days of apache helicopters making big circles over our house. That day we went to the lake about an hour away. These helicopters were using our truck as practice. They would leave flight pattern and then practice locking in on us and following.

I remember that mortars going off on the ranges and it shaking the windows of our house. Helicopters and c130's flying over.

Its like a lullaby to me.

Don't let conspiracy theories about troop movements disturb you. Sometimes its the guard practicing sometimes the war games get so big that multiple states, bases, and branches are involved.

I was in a Air Force/ Army joint unit and we were involved in war games constantly.

Practice makes perfect. Last thing you want is to be sloppy on game day.
Sad truth is the old saying practice makes you perfect yet whats the chances these guys surviving real combat against a real advisory i would say there dead :) but as or the this thread could the Camo change be getting ready for possible troops being deployed on its own citizens ???
Sad truth is the old saying practice makes you perfect yet whats the chances these guys surviving real combat against a real advisory i would say there dead :) but as or the this thread could the Camo change be getting ready for possible troops being deployed on its own citizens ???

There is NO cammo change.
The army finally got rid of the stupid ACU
Gray pattern that only looked good in a rock pile.
Other than that the U.S. military still has same vehicle color (tan) since about 2004

The OP likely saw foreign military vehicle or someone's custom personal shit or ever worse some crap online
There is NO cammo change.
The army finally got rid of the stupid ACU
Gray pattern that only looked good in a rock pile.
Other than that the U.S. military still has same vehicle color (tan) since about 2004

The OP likely saw foreign military vehicle or someone's custom personal shit or ever worse some crap online

They changing the camo on vehicles in europe
They changing the camo on vehicles in europe
American vehicles or another country? Please post a pic so I see what you're saying.
I was in grafenwoher Germany last summer and all was the same. OD green for most of those vehicles which has not changed for many many years.
American vehicles or another country? Please post a pic so I see what you're saying.
I was in grafenwoher Germany last summer and all was the same. OD green for most of those vehicles which has not changed for many many years.

American vehicles .... I googled it last night
American vehicles .... I googled it last night
Ahh Google where everything's true!

You're likely reading this idiot propaganda:

Strikers have always been OD green along with most vehicles like that.
We've been of green since nam and they painted some tan that deploys in theater but even the strikers in Iraq are still and have mostly been OD green along with amtracks and some others.

You're just reading crap.

You do understand that the most effectively written propaganda is written with no fact checking and written for the least educated reader to be able to understand.

That article is desperate bro!
Ahh Google where everything's true!

You're likely reading this idiot propaganda:

Strikers have always been OD green along with most vehicles like that.
We've been of green since nam and they painted some tan that deploys in theater but even the strikers in Iraq are still and have always been OD green along with amtracks and some others.

You're just reading crap.

You do understand that the most effectively written propaganda is written with no fact checking and written for the least educated reader to be able to understand.

That article is desperate bro!

No.... Armytimes
Ok bro. We're going back to woodland cammo. Which in the Europe theater blends a little better.
Is there any reason to read in to it? Well I've not seen it yet but I will say that during the take over of Iraq we (SOF) were still wearing Woodland cammo in the damn desert. So clearly we didn't have the jump on color patterns for that fun.

We're in a Cold War with Russia biggie as the powers that be are working to bankrupt Russia for reasons that are valid.

Do Russian people want war? FUCK NO!
Oddly Russians really like Americans still even tho their media is 24/7 anti American propaganda. their younger generations are smart enough to know their government driven media and even church has an agenda.
Ok bro. We're going back to woodland cammo. Which in the Europe theater blends a little better.
Is there any reason to read in to it? Well I've not seen it yet but I will say that during the take over of Iraq we (SOF) were still wearing Woodland cammo in the damn desert. So clearly we didn't have the jump on color patterns for that fun.

We're in a Cold War with Russia biggie as the powers that be are working to bankrupt Russia for reasons that are valid.

Do Russian people want war? FUCK NO!
Oddly Russians really like Americans still even tho their media is 24/7 anti American propaganda. their younger generations are smart enough to know their government driven media and even church has an agenda.

Russian people are fun to party with, Putin is a nasty thug though. I think there's a lot of paranoia and misunderstanding about our military, but I also wonder if those same people who are worried about war realize the USA has military operations in 70 countries or more at current, and most of those presently are clandestine JSOC ops that are being conducted as proxy conflicts? I think that's worrisome enough without speculating blindly about new shit to be worried about. Source; Dirty Wars, the World is a Battlefield by Jeremy Scahill, among others.
Most of what you speak of is SOF working FID foreign internal Defence.

Basically we go over to places and train their military to be better and provide food and water and help the community.

These wars are now mostly ideology and beliefe battles. So we have to show them that Americans are great people that want to better their lives and we physically do that at the town level. One of the things were fighting is people's psychology if disassociating with Americans. Which is bad. If a person can disassociate from us as Americans they can then veiw us in ways that allow the questionable morality of killing to not be there.

So we just try to be their friends heavy price tag for America but our many enemies try to push that Americans are different and wrong and bad and that allows your commen villager who has never seen the world to see us badly and do bad things to us in far away places and also move here and do the same on our soil and teach their offspring the same.

But yes Russians are very much like Americans and so I honestly don't see us ever at war. It's just like two big brothers trying to be the bigger brother so that's the Cold War we are playing again.
Bm9 could it be the other way round i mean really who's media is 24 /7 against communism fact Communism does work and it appears much better then american's thinking , just have to look at most of your house hold goods made in china communist if usa is so against it why do they support it by purchasing products from china
Nobody wants a war specially with Russia trust me on that It's easy to fall into Cold War calculations when comparing the militaries of Russia and United States. After all, a lot of the same equipment from that conflict is still in use. And because Russia and the U.S. are the world's chief arms suppliers, Cold War weapons are found in the arsenals of armies around the world.
When actually comparing the 2 countries tank per tank missile per missile fighter jet for jet even ak47 to m16 lol its clearly seen which is better and which is more feared
what i am getting at the days of the movie Top gun are over which lead most Americans into thinking we are the best of the best etc truth is
and history does not lie USA is far from that
When usa went into war with Korea they cried when in the air they came across russian migs flown by russians that beat the shit out of them in the air ..
history showed it , even iraq war was not won in clear defeat even with the carpet bombing usa lost that war.. vietnam war same thing kosovo the all mighty stealth fighter what amercia boasted about being untouchable invisible ,, SHOT DOWN BY A 3RD WORLD COUNTRY
Iran takes over controls of a UAV remember that one ???
truth is if usa struggles with 3rd world countries how can anyone really think they could even stand up to country like Russia, china , pakistan India
in the last 25 years USA has showed the world that there really not that strong of a nation as other countries sat back and watched USA try to take on the big brother protector and policeman of the world
with that said USA kinda showed the world in fact that they are weak
but people need to really look at what is what instead of propaganda and most importantly thinking you are un touchable what usa needs is a fight with a real advisory
and then only then the citizens would realize were not that tough like media makes us out to be